[Solved] For loop in R(no clue how stop the loop and continue with the rest of my code)

If I understand you correctly, you want to loop while a condition is true and exit the loop when the condition become false. So you should be using the while control-flow operator, not for.

i <- 1
while(i<=length(blocks) & length(blocks[[i]])!=0){
    i <- i+1

# check that we exited the loop because there was a zero
# and not because we went through all the blocks
if(i != length(blocks+1)) {
    path <- path[ -i , -i]
    modes = rep("A", nrow(path))
    blocks[[i]] = NULL
# rest of your code

But there’s really no need for loop here.

# apply 'length' to every element of the list blocks 
# returns a vector containing all the lengths
all_length <- sapply(blocks, FUN=length)

# check that there is at least one zero
if(any(all_length==0)) {
    # find the indexes of the zeros in 'all_length'
    zero_length_ind <- which(all_length==0)

    # this is the index of the first zero
    i <- min(zero_length_ind)

I don’t know what you want to do but if your plan is to treat all the ‘i’ sequentially, you may actually want to work with zero_length_ind and treat all your zeros at once.

For example if you want to remove all the values in path corresponding to zero length in blocks, you should directly do:

path <- path[-zero_length_ind,-zero_length_ind]

(Note that if there is no zero length element in blocks, then zero_length_ind will be integer(0) (that is, an empty integer vector) and you can’t use it to index path. This might save you some debugging time.)


solved For loop in R(no clue how stop the loop and continue with the rest of my code)