[Solved] Error in my first table in kotlin

@laalto is right, you need to re-create your table once you’ve dropped it, you need to add a call to onCreate(p0) inside your onUpgrade() method.

I removed a couple of unneeded fields on your class, this is how it looks now:

class DbManger(context: Context) {
    val dbName = "MyNotes"
    val dbTable = "Notes"
    val colID = "ID"
    val colTitle = "Title"
    val colDesc = "Desc"
    var dbVer = 4

    val sqlCreateTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $dbTable($colID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,$colTitle TEXT,$colDesc TEXT);"
    var sqlDataBase: SQLiteDatabase? = null

    inner class dbHelperNotes(val context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(context, dbName, null, dbVer) {
        override fun onCreate(database: SQLiteDatabase?) {
            Toast.makeText(context, "Database is created", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

        override fun onUpgrade(database: SQLiteDatabase?, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) {
            database?.execSQL("drop table IF EXISTS " + dbTable)

    fun insert(values: ContentValues): Long {
        val id = sqlDataBase!!.insert(dbTable, "", values)
        return id

    init {
        val db = dbHelperNotes(context)
        sqlDataBase = db.writableDatabase

I believe you also have a typo on your class name, should be ‘DbManager’.


solved Error in my first table in kotlin