Check this out may it will help you.
var ConvertBase = function (num) {
return {
from : function (baseFrom) {
return {
to : function (baseTo) {
return parseInt(num, baseFrom).toString(baseTo);
// binary to decimal
ConvertBase.bin2dec = function (num) {
return ConvertBase(num).from(2).to(10);
// binary to hexadecimal
ConvertBase.bin2hex = function (num) {
return ConvertBase(num).from(2).to(16);
// decimal to binary
ConvertBase.dec2bin = function (num) {
return ConvertBase(num).from(10).to(2);
// decimal to hexadecimal
ConvertBase.dec2hex = function (num) {
return ConvertBase(num).from(10).to(16);
// hexadecimal to binary
ConvertBase.hex2bin = function (num) {
return ConvertBase(num).from(16).to(2);
// hexadecimal to decimal
ConvertBase.hex2dec = function (num) {
return ConvertBase(num).from(16).to(10);
this.ConvertBase = ConvertBase;
solved convert Decimal to signed 2’s compliment and vice versa in vanilla javascript