[Solved] Create more Meta Boxes as needed

So you mean something like this? and when you click on Add tracks it becomes this: if it is what you mean the its done by creating a metabox that has simple jquery function to add and remove fields in it, and the data is saved as an array in of data in a single … Read more

[Solved] how to copy numbers from camera lenses and put this copy in another app?

Optical Character Recognition can be done through Windows Phone using the Microsoft OCR Library for Windows Runtime: http://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2014/09/18/microsoft-ocr-library-for-windows-runtime/. Here’s a sample application which demonstrates how to use the library: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Uses-the-OCR-Library-to-2a9f5bf4 solved how to copy numbers from camera lenses and put this copy in another app?

[Solved] Clarification on filters and hooks

I am confused because add_filter uses the word add when I feel like it is more on the lines of replace or overwrite (unless I am misunderstanding) You are misunderstanding. Both add_action and add_filter insert function callbacks into a kind of queue. You can add many callbacks to the same hook and they will fire … Read more

[Solved] Android: Parse the Nested JSON Array and JSON Object

Try to use this JSONObject jsono = new JSONObject(data); jarray = jsono.getJSONArray(“posts”); for (int i = 0; i < jarray.length(); i++) { JSONObject object = jarray.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject bigImage = object.getJSONObject(“thumbnail_images”); JSONObject tiMed = bigImage.getJSONObject(“medium”); String imageURL = tiMed.getString(“url”); } } actor = new Actors(); actor.setName(object.getString(“title”)); actor.setDescription(object.getString(“url”)); actor.setImage(imageURL); actor.setDob(object.getString(“content”)); actorsList.add(actor); } 5 solved Android: Parse the … Read more

[Solved] How to Protect Uploads, if User is not Logged In?

Only checking if the cookie exists, is not much of a strict protection. To get a stronger protection, you can pass or “proxy” all requests to the uploaded folder (exemplary uploads in the following example) through a php script: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s RewriteRule ^wp-content/uploads/(.*)$ dl-file.php?file=$1 [QSA,L] All requests to uploaded files (which includes images in … Read more

[Solved] How to prevent SQL injections in manually created queries?

I dont want to use other method You should use whatever provides the required functionality, not the method that you like more over others! Also you should never access superglobals directly in CakePHP, this will only bring you in trouble, especially in unit tests. User the proper abstracted methodes provided by the request object, that … Read more

[Solved] Between functions.php (theme), widgets, and plugins, which is loaded first?

The plugins are loaded right before theme (yes, I’ve been looking for excuse to use this): However it is wrong to think about either as point of code execution. For most cases everything should be hooked and executed no earlier than init hook. According to Codex widget registration with register_widget() should be hooked to widget_init. … Read more

[Solved] How can memory be allocated to a macro? [closed]

You have define the same abc macro twice. Your compiler could have warned you like warning: “abc” redefined #define abc “rd” And you simply ignored the warning, which you shouldn’t, learn from warning. For good code practise define the macros under one tag, use #ifdef, #endif and #undef. for e.g #ifdef first #define abc 10 … Read more

[Solved] Where is the right place to register/enqueue scripts & styles

Why registering and queuing properly matters it should be in time – earlier than script/style is up for being output to page, otherwise it is too late; it should be conditional – otherwise you are loading stuff where you don’t need it and cause performance and functionality issues, for this you need WP environment loaded … Read more

[Solved] Is there a flowchart for WordPress loading sequence?

There is this rather in-depth explanation found at, Part 1 http://theme.fm/2011/09/wordpress-internals-how-wordpress-boots-up-2315/ Part 2 http://theme.fm/2011/09/wordpress-internals-how-wordpress-boots-up-part-2-2437/ Which also includes some diagrams/flowcharts. and… This is also just the start of understanding the WordPress initialization process to which also should include information about the template hierarchy, as well as inspecting which hooks are fired on which pages and when. … Read more