[Solved] Find a specific word from a list in python

First off, do not use the name list for assignment to your objects, you’ll shadow the builtin list type. Then, you can use a list comprehension with str.startswith in a filter: new_lst = [x for x in lst if x.startswith(‘backend’)] 0 solved Find a specific word from a list in python

[Solved] Convert categorical column to multiple binary columns [duplicate]

One way could be using unique with a for-loop Breed = c( “Sheetland Sheepdog Mix”, “Pit Bull Mix”, “Lhasa Aposo/Miniature”, “Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Mix”, “American Pitbull”, “Cairn Terrier”, “Pit Bull Mix” ) df=data.frame(Breed) for (i in unique(df$breed)){ df[,paste0(i)]=ifelse(df$Breed==i,1,0) } solved Convert categorical column to multiple binary columns [duplicate]

[Solved] Django URL pattern (~~/?item_id=2)

You can pass parameters to a view either in the url: /category_check_view/2 Or via GET params: /category_check_view/?item_id=2 GET params are not processed by the URL handler, but rather passed directly to the GET param dict accessible in a view at request.GET. The Django (i.e. preferred) way to do handle URLs is the first one. So … Read more

[Solved] C++ weird error strstr [closed]

Your GetTextureGroupName() function is of a std::string type. The std::strstr() function does not accept a std::string as a parameter. Use the string c_str() member function instead: if (std::strstr(pMaterial->GetTextureGroupName().c_str(), “World textures”)){ pMaterial->ColorModulate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); } Rather than falling back to C style strings you should explore the std::string facilities as pointed out in the comments. The … Read more

[Solved] Is there a macro I can put on a command button, to move the current sheet to a different closed workbook? [closed]

Insert a button on the workbook and assign this code to the button, make sure to change the filename path to yours: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim sheetIndex As Integer sheetIndex = 1 Application.ScreenUpdating = False Workbooks.Open Filename:=”C:\YourPath\Completed Workorders.xlsm” Windows(“Workorders.xlsm”).Activate ActiveSheet.Select ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Workbooks(“Completed Workorders.xlsm”).Sheets(sheetIndex) sheetIndex = sheetIndex + 1 ActiveWorkbook.Save Windows(“Completed Workorders.xlsm”).Close … Read more

[Solved] How to crete this type of array through using of Loop?

$d1 = array(); for($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ array_push($data, array(‘title’ => $mytest[$i], ‘heading’ => ‘My Heading’, ‘message’ => $my[$i],) ); } Now $data[‘mytest’] = $d1 Here , we are basically pushing the sub-arrays in main array and then will assign the array created to mytest solved How to crete this type of array through using of Loop?

[Solved] can’t understand “std::cout”

The code presented by you in a C++ program. You need to save it in file.cpp format, after that you need to compile with g++ file.cpp and it should work. You have saved it file.c format and compiling it with gcc, which is C standard, not C++. solved can’t understand “std::cout”

[Solved] Text inline after h3

By default, both h3 and p are “block elements”. That means they make space above and below to ensure they are the only thing on a given line (technically, they “fill their parent element” horizontally). Using CSS, this behavior can be overridden by applying the rule display:inline to both properties. See the example below. You … Read more