[Solved] Random in Java often generating same value

The Birthday Paradox predicts that the probability of duplicates in random numbers is much higher than you’d think. For example, it predicts that, with a mere 23 random people, there’s a greater than 50% chance of two of them have the same birthday. By the Pigeonhole Principle, it takes 367 people for there to be a 100% chance of a duplicate, but the probability of a duplicate is extremely high even before that.

Here’s the probability distribution (from Wikipedia):
enter image description here

The rule of thumb to approximate the number of numbers you have to generate before the probability of duplicates reaches sqrt(2m * p(n)), where m is the number of possible random numbers and p(n) is the probability that you’re looking for. So, for example, if you’re generating random numbers in a 50-number range (e.g. if you pick a random number from 100 – 150), you’d only have to generate approximately sqrt((2 * 50) * 0.5) = 7.07 random numbers before the odds are just as good as not that you have a duplicate. If you generate 8 random numbers within a 50-number range, odds are better than not that’ll have a duplicate. (Note that this only works for p(n) values of up to 1/2).

In your case, there are 8 possible values for any particular random value (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), so you only need to generate sqrt(8) = 2.83 numbers before there’s a probability of 50% that you’ll have a duplicate. In other words, the Birthday Paradox predicts you only need to generate approximately 3 numbers for the chances to be better than not that you’ll have a duplicate.

See also this Q&A.

One more point: beware the Gambler’s Fallacy, in which people assume that if you randomly generate, for example, a 10, odds are the next one won’t be a 10. Actually, given that you’re generating random numbers, the odds of any particular number is 1/8 regardless of what numbers came before. In other words, if you generate a 12, the probability of the next number being a 10 is 1/8. If you generate a 7, the odds of the next number being a 10 is 1/8. If you generate a 10, the probability of the next number being a 10 is still 1/8. Each number is an independent event (i.e. the numbers you’ve generated so far don’t influence the probability distribution of future numbers in the least).

TL;DR You need to generate much fewer numbers than you think you do before you’re likely to start getting duplicates – if you’re generating random numbers within a small range of numbers in particular (like you are) the number is particularly low.

solved Random in Java often generating same value