[Solved] Please help with ajax script + jquery [closed]

<script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() { $(“#sendmessage”).submit(function() { $(“#note”).fadeIn(1000).html(‘PLease wait…’); var str = $(this).serialize(); $.ajax({ type: “POST”, url: “/send.php”, data: str, success: function(data) { $(“#note”).html(data); $(“#fields”).hide(); }, error: function() { $(“#note”).html(‘Error’); } }); return false; }); }); solved Please help with ajax script + jquery [closed]

[Solved] Uploading to an FTP server

I don’t know C++/CLI, but the following statement is certainly wrong: _FtpWebRequest->Method = System::Net::WebRequestMethods::Ftp.UploadFile; System::Net::WebRequestMethods::Ftp is a type and, as the error message indicates (you could have given us the line number!) you’re trying to use it as an expression. Are you trying to obtain a pointer to a static member function? Did you thus … Read more

[Solved] exam with timer in javascript [closed]

you could store the question and answers in a multidimensional array like follows // [question number, answer, question] var qanda =[ [1,15,”Add 11 + 4″], [2,7,”Add 4 + 3″], [3,7,”Subtract 9 – 2″] ]; function getQuestion(n){ document.getElementById(“disp_question”).innerHTML = qanda[n][2]; document.getElementById(“intp_div”).style.display = “block”; } function checkAnswer(n){ if(document.getElementById(“intp_answer”).value != undefined){ if(document.getElementById(“intp_answer”).value == qanda[n][1]){ alert(“correct”) }else{ alert(“incorrect”) } … Read more

[Solved] Python, why does this sum function not work

First, length is not defined anywhere, but you are trying to use it in the while condition. That would cause the error you are probably seeing. The length of your list can be obtained with len(list). Second, your while body isn’t actually using the list values: (list[counter] +total) isn’t doing anything, as it’s not assigned … Read more

[Solved] How to create a javascript function that will remember the user input and then display summary

This is a simple task, basically we need a button that when we click it outputs form elements inside some output element, I will use a div. To get elements in JavaScript we can assign id‘s to elements and do this: document.getElementById(“elementIdName”) to retrieve those values. From there we can use onclick which will activate … Read more

[Solved] both are char but i get, invalid conversion from `char’ to `char*’ [closed]

Not only are you confusing the order or parametres in strcpy (it’s destination, then source, so strcpy(xstring, animalsarray[j][0]); would have it’s parametres inverted), you’re confusing a char with a pointer-to-char. xstring is a char, and you’re trying to use it as a string. If you want to set all the elements of the array to … Read more

[Solved] Check availability and list available rooms [closed]

Logic is actually pretty simple here, you don’t want anything where the start and end are inside your period, or where they’re at opposite sides of any point in the range you’re looking for. SELECT R.roomID, R.name, R.facilities FROM — Use the table rooms, but name it R for shorthand. Rooms R — Left joins … Read more

[Solved] CSS Dropdown Position Error in Firefox [closed]

Remove the float:left on the <ul>: <ul id=”menu” style=”float:left;”> becomes: <ul id=”menu”> Then in your CSS set the <li> to display:block and float:left… .navigation ul li { display: block; /* new */ float: left; /* new */ margin: 0; padding: 0; } … and position the submenu at top:100% ul#menu li ul.sub-menu { display: none; … Read more

[Solved] Use python to run a command line [duplicate]

You can use subprocess module. import subprocess subprocess.call([“tclsh”, “oommf.tcl”, “avf2odt”, “-average”, “space”, “-axis”, “z”, “-onefile”, “<filename>.txt”, “-headers”, “none”, “-ipat”, “*.omf”]) See https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.call 3 solved Use python to run a command line [duplicate]

[Solved] Convert SQL into LINQ and Lambda

Maybe something like this: var result= ( from s in db.Stands join cp in db.ContractProducts on s.Id equals cp.StandId join p in db.Products on cp.ProductId equals p.Id where s.EventId == 1 group p by p.Description into g select new { Description=g.Key, TotalArea = g.Sum (x =>x.TotalArea) } ).ToList(); Where db is the linqdatacontext 1 solved … Read more