[Solved] Ruby IRC Server / Client [closed]
https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/irc_bots 5 solved Ruby IRC Server / Client [closed]
https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/irc_bots 5 solved Ruby IRC Server / Client [closed]
DEMO jsBin Code used: <img id=”arrow” src=”arrow.png”> var ar = $(‘#arrow’); function pulsate(){ ar.animate({width:’+=5′,height:’+=5′},300,function(){ ar.animate({width:’-=5′,height:’-=5′},300,pulsate); }); } pulsate(); (Hope that’s what you were looking for…) P.S. You can also encapsulate the function like: var ar = $(‘#arrow’); (function tic(){ ar.animate({width:’+=5′,height:’+=5′},300,function(){ ar.animate({width:’-=5′,height:’-=5′},300,tic); }); })(); solved How to achieve continuous animation in jQuery [closed]
You have to request permission via the API to access users profile on facebook. Posting to a users wall or sending them a message without any approval would be bypassing facebook’s platform policy and should facebook find out about this activity they will surely shut down your application and possibly block your developer account.NOT recommended. … Read more
if(/\d/.test(str) && !/\d.*\d/.test(str)) { // Exactly one digit } 7 solved Need javascript validation for one, and only one, numeric in password [closed]
look at the snippet closely int x = 3; while(x > 0) { if(x > 2) { System.out.print(“a”); } x = x – 1; System.out.print(“-“); if(x == 2) { System.out.print(“b c”); } if(x == 1) { System.out.print(“d”); x = x – 1; } } when loop runs for the first time the value of x … Read more
You can use map and zip for this: >>> data = [[‘Ankur’, ‘Avik’, ‘Kiran’, ‘Nitin’], [‘Narang’, ‘Sarkar’, ‘R’, ‘Sareen’]] >>> list(map(‘ ‘.join, zip(*data))) [‘Ankur Narang’, ‘Avik Sarkar’, ‘Kiran R’, ‘Nitin Sareen’] 0 solved how to map two list in a single list in python using zip() in list comprehension
There are many ways, it depends on your logic, here is one of the solution you can do: int index; if (i + 1 == necklace.length()) { index = 0; } else { index = i + 1; } char rightColor = necklace.charAt(index); solved How do I covert this ternary statement to an if else … Read more
This is a perfect example of the zip function. https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/functions.html#zip Given: name = [‘Mary’,’Susan’,’John’] age = [15,30,20] sex = [‘F’,’F’,’M’] Then: output = [] for item in zip(name, age, sex): output.append({‘name’: item[0], ‘age’: item[1], ‘sex’: item[2]}) Will produce: [ {‘name’: ‘Mary’, ‘age’: 15, ‘sex’: ‘F’}, {‘name’: ‘Susan’, ‘age’: 30, ‘sex’: ‘F’}, {‘name’: ‘John’, ‘age’: 20, … Read more
Let’s say you’ve a command line file_matcher program, how are you going to use it? well, you’ve to pass the file names to the program that you want to match. You can not hard code them(means, you can not write the file names in the code file). cause if you hard code them, then you’ve … Read more
One thing you should know that connecting to your database directly with javascript is a bad practice due to many reasons. Here is how you should connect to the database using jQuery: First change will be to copy the lines of code you have into a method and decorate the method with [WebMethod] attribute. This … Read more
I’m trying to give an answer that will help you understanding the problem and work on the solution. You have a string with capital letters and at some point there is a small letter. You want the string to be split at the position before the first small letter. You can iterate through the string … Read more
You can use array reduce function and inside the reduce call back use findIndex to check if the accumulator array have an object with same tag. If a object with same tag is found then update the counter in that object , otherwise push the current object in the accumulator array let data = [{ … Read more
You just want to loop over the array and build your newly formatted array. <?php $arr = [ ‘please’ => [ ‘text’ => ‘it’ ], ‘use’ => [ ‘text’ => ‘will’ ], ‘google’ => [ ‘text’ => ‘help’ ] ]; $formattedArr = []; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $formattedArr[$k] = $v[‘text’]; } 0 … Read more
Your stringArray contains less than two elements.That is your problem, you need to make sure it contains at least two elements before switch statement.BTW, if you just want to append a dot to the end, you don’t need String.Split, just use Insert method: string str = row[“Version”].ToString(); str = str.Insert(str.Length, “.”); switch(str) { … } … Read more
see your updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jFIT/hLd5W/4/ var id = $(this).attr(‘id’).slice(-1); var previs = $(‘div.product-detail:visible’); $(‘div.product-detail’).hide(); if (previs.is($(‘.det’ + id))) { $(‘.det’ + id).hide() } else { $(‘.det’ + id).show(); } //if (detailedDiv.is(‘:visible’)) detailedDiv.hide(); //else detailedDiv.show(); e.preventDefault() 3 solved on click div showing but not hide please help me [closed]