[Solved] Converting float to int effectively

Avoid changing the type used to represent money as done here between float and int. float totalAmount; int totalAmountCents; … totalAmountCents = totalAmount * 100; Money has special issues involving exactness, range and functions that do not simply apply to integers like complex tax and interest rate calculations. These issues are aggravated with casual type … Read more

[Solved] Variable assignment in if statement

There’s no such equivalent solution in JavaScript, because there’s no equivalent problem. What you’re demonstrating is conditional binding, which exists to allow you to create a non-optional value (x, in your example), out of an optional value (y). There’s no such need in Javascript, because all values are nullable, for better or for worse. You … Read more

[Solved] how to create json string in swift and send it to server

let parameters: [String: AnyObject] = [ “Notification”: [ “id”: “15”, ………. …… ] ] Alamofire.request(.POST, “http://server.com”, parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON) .responseJSON { request, response, JSON, error in print(response) print(JSON) print(error) } solved how to create json string in swift and send it to server

[Solved] Difference between intrinsic, inline, external in embedded system? [closed]

Intrinsic functions Are functions which the compiler implements directly when possible instead of calling an actual function in a library. For example they can be used for optimization or to reach specific hardware functionality. For ARM their exist an intrinsic function (and many others) called “__nop()” which inserts a single NOP (No Operation) instruction. See … Read more

[Solved] What is this header error caused by? [closed]

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that your class is defined something like this: class Sales_item { std::string isbn; } Classes and structs have public, private, and protected labels for their member data, and classes have their members labelled as private by default. You should change it to read: class Sales_item … Read more

[Solved] HTML Form Submit pass array to PHP [closed]

You can use hidden inputs: <input type=”hidden” name=”image_ids[]” value=”1″> <input type=”hidden” name=”image_ids[]” value=”2″> <input type=”hidden” name=”image_ids[]” value=”3″> Just create a new hidden input for each image id, with the same name image_ids[]. Note that when you append [] to the name of various input fields, these values are submitted as an array, in this case … Read more

[Solved] All NSUserDefaults, all in tableview

You can set an array to userDefaults, the implementation is very simple. – (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self addTextToUserDefaults:@”hello”]; [self addTextToUserDefaults:@”how are you?”]; [self addTextToUserDefaults:@”hi”]; for (NSString *text in [self textsInUserDefaults]) { NSLog(@”%@”, text); } } – (void)addTextToUserDefaults:(NSString *)aText { NSMutableArray *texts = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@”textArray”] mutableCopy]; if (!texts) { texts = [NSMutableArray new]; } … Read more

[Solved] prolog change show answer to print into list

When describing a list, always consider using DCGs. In your case, you can very easily obtain what you want with a few simple modifications to your code: show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol, List) :- phrase(show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,1), List). show_result(_,MaxRow,_,Row) –> { Row > MaxRow }, !. show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row) –> { phrase(show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row,1), Line) } , [Line], { Row1 is Row+1 }, show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row1). show_result(_,_,MaxCol,_,Col) … Read more

[Solved] Codechef : Correct approach or not?

My friend your approach is absolutely right , Only check your datatype to print answer . Your answer may come >10000000000 for any test case . check it, Its open forum , So I won’t mention by pointing. 3 solved Codechef : Correct approach or not?