[Solved] How to concatenate and use a variable in a variable in jQuery?
var url = videoSpan.data(“vimeoid”); var thisVideo = ‘<span class=”video” data=”‘ + url + ‘”></span>’; 0 solved How to concatenate and use a variable in a variable in jQuery?
var url = videoSpan.data(“vimeoid”); var thisVideo = ‘<span class=”video” data=”‘ + url + ‘”></span>’; 0 solved How to concatenate and use a variable in a variable in jQuery?
It’s working, only one change is required- add your javacript code in <head> tag by using no wrap in <head> in LOAD TYPE dropdown. solved jsfiddle does not work well with angularjs?
Avoid changing the type used to represent money as done here between float and int. float totalAmount; int totalAmountCents; … totalAmountCents = totalAmount * 100; Money has special issues involving exactness, range and functions that do not simply apply to integers like complex tax and interest rate calculations. These issues are aggravated with casual type … Read more
There’s no such equivalent solution in JavaScript, because there’s no equivalent problem. What you’re demonstrating is conditional binding, which exists to allow you to create a non-optional value (x, in your example), out of an optional value (y). There’s no such need in Javascript, because all values are nullable, for better or for worse. You … Read more
Try this =IF(A1<25,”Young”,IF(AND(A1>=25,A1<=65),”Middle Aged”,”Old”)) 0 solved How to define a range of values while writing IF condition in Excel?
Change the function to return int instead of void. Then you’ll be able to uncomment the return statement. int Read_line (string filename) { … return number_of_lines; } 0 solved how to get return value from the the subroutine functrion to the main function?
You haven’t mentioned what error you are getting. But I see these problems: The declaration char name = “Elham”; is incorrect. It should be char *name = “Elham”; The if condition in your code is missing parentheses. if s[h] == ‘\0’ return -1; should be: if (s[h] == ‘\0’) return -1; Hope this helps! 2 … Read more
let parameters: [String: AnyObject] = [ “Notification”: [ “id”: “15”, ………. …… ] ] Alamofire.request(.POST, “http://server.com”, parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON) .responseJSON { request, response, JSON, error in print(response) print(JSON) print(error) } solved how to create json string in swift and send it to server
Intrinsic functions Are functions which the compiler implements directly when possible instead of calling an actual function in a library. For example they can be used for optimization or to reach specific hardware functionality. For ARM their exist an intrinsic function (and many others) called “__nop()” which inserts a single NOP (No Operation) instruction. See … Read more
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that your class is defined something like this: class Sales_item { std::string isbn; } Classes and structs have public, private, and protected labels for their member data, and classes have their members labelled as private by default. You should change it to read: class Sales_item … Read more
You can use hidden inputs: <input type=”hidden” name=”image_ids[]” value=”1″> <input type=”hidden” name=”image_ids[]” value=”2″> <input type=”hidden” name=”image_ids[]” value=”3″> Just create a new hidden input for each image id, with the same name image_ids[]. Note that when you append [] to the name of various input fields, these values are submitted as an array, in this case … Read more
Add spaces before each %c in the sscanf. This is done to discard all blanks from the stdin. As these blanks like \n,spaces will be present in the stdin , it will be taken by the next call to fgets and also one %c because it is also a character. Also use %lf for double … Read more
You can set an array to userDefaults, the implementation is very simple. – (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self addTextToUserDefaults:@”hello”]; [self addTextToUserDefaults:@”how are you?”]; [self addTextToUserDefaults:@”hi”]; for (NSString *text in [self textsInUserDefaults]) { NSLog(@”%@”, text); } } – (void)addTextToUserDefaults:(NSString *)aText { NSMutableArray *texts = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@”textArray”] mutableCopy]; if (!texts) { texts = [NSMutableArray new]; } … Read more
When describing a list, always consider using DCGs. In your case, you can very easily obtain what you want with a few simple modifications to your code: show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol, List) :- phrase(show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,1), List). show_result(_,MaxRow,_,Row) –> { Row > MaxRow }, !. show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row) –> { phrase(show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row,1), Line) } , [Line], { Row1 is Row+1 }, show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row1). show_result(_,_,MaxCol,_,Col) … Read more
My friend your approach is absolutely right , Only check your datatype to print answer . Your answer may come >10000000000 for any test case . check it, Its open forum , So I won’t mention by pointing. 3 solved Codechef : Correct approach or not?