[Solved] how to write a regex to remove extra commas from string for making a csv

i think this will resolve your issue:- $result_1 = “STRING containing extra commas” $regex = “https://stackoverflow.com/”(.+?)”https://stackoverflow.com/”; preg_match_all($regex, $result_1, $matches); $x = 0; $max = count($matches[0]); while($x < $max){ $replace = str_replace(“,”, “.”, $matches[1][$x]); $result_1 = str_replace($matches[0][$x], $replace, $result_1); $x++; } print_r($result_1); 1 solved how to write a regex to remove extra commas from string for … Read more

[Solved] how ‘while (*dst++ = *src++) ;’ be executed? [duplicate]

The postfix ++ operator increments the value of a variable after the statement it’s in has been executed. According to C’s precedence rules, the expression will be evaluated something like this: while (*(dst++) = *(src++)); Which will basically: Set the character dst points to to the character src points to. Increment both dst and src … Read more

[Solved] Showing Correct and Incorrect in a quiz [closed]

Try this 😉 var score = 0; var questions = [ [‘Question One?’, ‘1 Answer’], [‘Question Two?’, ‘2 Answer’], [‘Question Three?’, ‘3 Answer’], [‘Question Four?’, ‘4 Answer’], [‘Question Five?’, ‘5 Answer’], [‘Question Six?’, ‘6 Answer’] ]; var cA = []; var incorrect = []; function askQuestion(question, index) { var answer = prompt(question[0], ”); if (answer … Read more

[Solved] building method to convert array to string

There are many ways to implement Arrays::toString, here are a few examples: import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.stream.Collectors; public class ArraysToString { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] array = {10, 16, 181, 200, 410, 68, 31, 555, 161, 313}; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(array)); System.out.println(arrayToString1(array)); System.out.println(arrayToString2(array)); System.out.println(arrayToString3(array)); System.out.println(arrayToString4(array)); // [10, 16, 181, 200, 410, 68, 31, 555, … Read more

[Solved] Control is not waiting to read for string object

You want to put the second input line – to take the configuration1 into a for loop to run T number of times and display it. public static void main(String[] args) { int T, N; System.out.println(“Enter number of test cases: “); Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); T = in.nextInt(); String configuration1; for (int i = … Read more

[Solved] Create string from map[string]interface{} [closed]

Have you tried anything? There’s lots of ways to do what you’re trying to do. Some more peprformant than others, some easier to write… This would be a quick way to implement what you need: func PrintStr(m map[string]interface{}) { parts := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k, v := range m { parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf(“%s=%v”, … Read more

[Solved] A trivial counter fails in PHP

Make sure that the file_get_contents is successful (not returning false) before proceeding to write (otherwise the counter will be re-set as 1, which is not desirable) Hence: <?php $count=”counterfile.txt”; $var1=file_get_contents($count); if ($var1!=false){ file_put_contents($count, (1+$var1) ,LOCK_EX); } ?> Alternatively, you may use a db approach (increment a field value by one each time) solved A trivial … Read more

[Solved] Replace the numbers with *

To replace the last 2 digits with some characters, firstly convert it to a string and then, using the slice() method, append the characters. You can read more about the slice() method in its MDN Documentation. let numberAsString = Math.random().toString(); //your number as a string let result = numberAsString.slice(0, -2) + ‘**’; //cut and append … Read more