[Solved] Dictionary one key many values in code c#

Make a dictionary with List<string> as value, and then just add values : foreach(var d in c) { if (!dict.ContainsKey(d.Key)) dict.Add(d.Key, new List<string>()); dict[d.Key].Add(d.Value); } and later you can get comma delimited string from list with string.Join string commaDelimitedList = string.Join(“,”, valueList.ToArray()); solved Dictionary one key many values in code c#

[Solved] Random number game isnt functioning

First, your JS function isn’t closed properly with an ending bracket }, causing syntax errors. Secondly, you have a character double quote that isn’t supported in the code “ instead of using “, which is also causing runtime errors. Also, you aren’t closing your header tags (<h1>, <h2>) etc. function guessNumber() { var playerGuess = … Read more

[Solved] CSS canvas width and height setting

You need to specify the canvas size in pixels. You can then scale the canvas using cm as units. canvas.width = 500; // px canvas.height = 300; // px canvas.style.width=”5cm”; canvas.style.height=”3cm”; The number of pixels in a canvas has to be explicitly/absolutely defined. Centimeters are a relative value. solved CSS canvas width and height setting

[Solved] How To Register user Form with all dynamic fields name in php

// Logic One Using For Loop <?php error_reporting(0); $con=mysql_connect(‘localhost’,’root’,”) or die(‘Not Connect’); mysql_select_db(‘multiple’,$con); if (isset($_POST[“submit”])){ $field_name = $_POST[‘values’]; $values = “”; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($field_name); $i++) { $values .= “(‘”.$field_name[$i].”‘)”; if ($i != sizeof($field_name) – 1) { $values .= “, “; } } $sql = mysql_query(“INSERT INTO php_test VALUES (” . $values.”)”); … Read more

[Solved] Extract dates from a string in php

like this $string = “period from 06/01/2014 to 06/30/2014”; $results = array(); preg_match_all(‘#\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}#’, $string, $results); $date1 = $results[0][0]; $date2 = $results[0][1]; 2 solved Extract dates from a string in php

[Solved] WordPress Password Page – Wrong Password Message Not Working [closed]

Your logic isn’t right. If the cookie is set when this function is called, that means the hash didn’t match so it’s an incorrect password. function my_password_form() { global $post; $attempted = $_SESSION[‘pass_attempt’] ?: false; $label=”pwbox-” . ( empty( $post->ID ) ? rand() : $post->ID ); $wrongPassword = ”; // If cookie is set password … Read more

[Solved] How to separate the output of register into dict

I create the dict vmoff2 using the following: – name: create Not Activated VM list set_fact: vmoff: >- {{ vmoff | default([]) + [{ ‘sec_sys’: item.item.SEC_SYS, ‘vm_na’: dict(item.stdout_lines | from_yaml | select() | map(‘split’, ‘,’) | list) }] }} loop: “{{ output.results }}” loop_control: label: “{{ item.item.SEC_SYS }}” And eliminate the duplicate output with: – … Read more

[Solved] Change of background using CSS

That would be nice, but no. You don’t need that hard a function, though. Simply attach the background change with the rest of the functionality of the button. I recommend in this case that you just add the background image as css inline with your js, because 6 classes of images can go wrong easy. … Read more

[Solved] TypeScript: Why Object.fromEntries does not accept array of tuple? [duplicate]

You likely want to use .map here instead of .forEach: const [itemsWithSelection, setItemsWithSelection] = useState<{ [formFieldId: string]: number }>(itemsWithSelection2) if (!itemsWithSelection2) { let aa = Object.keys(invoiceItems).map((key) => [key, 1] ) setItemsWithSelection(Object.fromEntries(aa)) } The first produces a new array based on the contents of the callback (or what is often called “closure” in Swift); while the … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong with my golang code? [duplicate]

deQueue is looping infinitely on the fail case, which is blocking the CPU. Goroutines don’t yield while doing CPU work. GOMAXPROCS needs to be >= 2 to get CPU parallelism. just for kicks, here’s a threadsafe, nonblocking queue implementation using higher-order channels: https://gist.github.com/3668150 solved What’s wrong with my golang code? [duplicate]