[Solved] use html button to call javascript function [closed]

I don’t fully understand your question, but I’m guessing you want your solve() function to execute when a button is pressed. Here are three options: window.onload = function() { var button = document.getElementById(“button”); // Method 1 button.addEventListener(“click”, function() { alert(“clicked1”); solve(a, b, c); // ^ Insert Params ^ }); // Method 2 button.onclick = function() … Read more

[Solved] how do I configure email on a contact form?

Seding an email directly with javascript (as it´s your tag) is not possible, but you can open the user mail client: window.open(‘mailto:[email protected]’); It´s possible to have a predetermined subject and body using these variables: window.open(‘mailto:[email protected]?subject=example_subject&body=example_body’); 3 solved how do I configure email on a contact form?

[Solved] I have an array of strings. I want to print those that start with the word New.

input_arr = [ “New: Hello”, “How are”, “you”, “New: I am”, “fine” ] def merge_messages(input_arr): delimiter = “New” return [delimiter+x for x in ” “.join(input_arr).split(delimiter) if x] print(merge_messages(input_arr)) However, I would highly recommend you take the advice given to you in the comments and read up on Python Strings. You can also view the Python … Read more

[Solved] Using getchar() to Read Two Strings

You need to add string terminators ‘\0’ to your string before printing (or zero out the buffers memory first). Also: you have declared buffers of size 20, but have no guards in your code to respect that allocated length, which means you could overrun them and corrupt memory. [Run with two words greater than 20 … Read more

[Solved] How is a for loop written in Perl?

There are two types of for loop in perl, in addition to the for statement modifier. They look like this: # c-style for loop for ( my $i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i ) { … } # regular for loop for my $i (0..11) { … } # statement modifier … for 0..11; … Read more

[Solved] What will be the algorithm to solve the given series?

try to separate the coefficients from polynomials and calculate those in separate methods. Example: public class NewClass { public static void main(String[] args) { int greatestExponent = 9; double x = 0.5; System.out.println(calculate(x,greatestExponent)); } public static double getCoefficient(int n){ double coff = 1; for(int i=1; i<n; i++){ if(i%2==0){ coff = coff/i; //if even put it … Read more

[Solved] how to sort 5 strings according to their length and print it out

As suggested you can use sort #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main () { std::vector<string> vec={“abc”,”defsf”,”a”,”c”}; cout<<“Unsorted string”<<endl; for(auto s: vec) { cout<<s<<” “; } std::sort(vec.begin(),vec.end(),[](const string& a,const string& b) { return a.size()<b.size(); }); cout<<endl<<“Sorted string”<<endl; for(auto s: vec) { cout<<s<<” “; } return 0; } solved how to sort … Read more

[Solved] How to separate words from a sentence (only using character arrays and no built-in c++ functions)? [closed]

I think you’d like to separate all of the words in this sentence, so you can’t make loop stop when it meet first blank. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char sentence[100]={‘\0’}, word[100]={‘ ‘}; cin.getline(sentence,100); for(int i = 0; sentence[i] != ‘\0’; i++) { word[i]=sentence[i]; } cout << word; } Above code may can … Read more

[Solved] Add one to C# reference number

Homework or not, here’s one way to do it. It’s heavily influensed by stemas answer. It uses Regex to split the alphabetical from the numeric. And PadLeft to maintain the right number of leading zeroes. Tim Schmelters answer is much more elegant, but this will work for other types of product-numbers as well, and is … Read more

[Solved] How to send mail using C# with html format [closed]

Setting isBodyHtml to true allows you to use HTML tags in the message body: SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient(“mail address”); MailMessage msg = null; try { msg = new MailMessage(“[email protected]”, “[email protected]”, “Message from PSSP System”, “This email sent by the PSSP system<br />” + “<b>this is bold text!</b>”); msg.IsBodyHtml = true; sc.Send(msg); } catch (Exception … Read more