[Solved] selecting multiple rows mysqli

It was pretty simple, I don’t know why do I get a vote down every time I ask question. $mysqli = new mysqli(“localhost”, “root”, “”, “database”); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { echo “Failed to connect to MySQL: (” . $mysqli->connect_errno . “) ” . $mysqli->connect_error; } $username = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare(“select * from `vpb_uploads` where `username` … Read more

[Solved] Search file in directory structure

From one File::Find hater to another: DirWalk.pm, inspired by the Python’s os.walk(). package DirWalk; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my ($class, @dirs) = @_; my @odirs = @dirs; @dirs = qw/./ unless @dirs; s!/+$!! for @dirs; s!/+\.$!! for @dirs; my $self = { _odirs => [@odirs], _dirs => [@dirs], _dhstack => [], _dnstack … Read more

[Solved] Parenthesis/Brackets Matching using Stack algorithm

Your code has some confusion in its handling of the ‘{‘ and ‘}’ characters. It should be entirely parallel to how you handle ‘(‘ and ‘)’. This code, modified slightly from yours, seems to work properly: public static boolean isParenthesisMatch(String str) { if (str.charAt(0) == ‘{‘) return false; Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>(); char c; … Read more

[Solved] Return checked checkboxes when user retrieves the form (Coldfusion) [closed]

I like to use cfparam in these case like above. <cfparam name=”form.delegations” value=”#yourQuery.columnname#” /> And in HTML: <input type=”checkbox” name=”delegations” id=”SR1″ value=”0″ <cfif listFind(form.delegations,0)>checked</cfif> /> Please note, in your database the value will be a list of values from checkboxes delegations. 1 solved Return checked checkboxes when user retrieves the form (Coldfusion) [closed]

[Solved] Pointers give seg fault [closed]

You have not assigned anything to the pointers to the Paddle, Ball or Manager variables in your main method. By default the won’t be initialised and will point somewhere in memory, which may or may not be accessible to your application. When you access them and the memory is inaccessible you get the access violation … Read more

[Solved] why is fasthttp like single process?

I think instead of fasthttp is single process?, you’re asking whether fasthttp handles client requests concurrently or not? I’m pretty sure that any server (including fasthttp) package will handle client requests concurrently. You should write a test/benchmark instead of manually access the server through several browsers. The following is an example of such test code: … Read more

[Solved] How to parse Json response inside square brackets?

Just like you’d traverse any other array. Simply, instead of having their properties stored under property names in a map, the objects that make up this array have their properties stored under given indexes in an array. theJsonObject.rows.forEach( function(row) { var url = row[0]; var n = row[1]; do stuff with url and n… }); … Read more

[Solved] Can you see PHP scripts client side?

Nobody can see your code because Apache (or whatever web server you use) is instructed to EXECUTE any .php files rather than simply serve (display) them as it does by default (with .html, .css, .js, etc). I think what you may have heard of is a general security concern using PHP in general – If … Read more

[Solved] How to put this code into a table? [closed]

<table> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd”> <html> <head> <title> Prueba </title> </head> <frameset rows=”56px, *, 50px” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″ frameborder=”NO”> <frame class=”header” src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10589097/header.html”> <frameset cols=”450px, *” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″ frameborder=”NO”> <frameset rows=”*,150px” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″ frameborder=”NO”> <frame class=”frame1″ scrolling=”auto” src=”search_results.html”> <frame class=”frame2″ scrolling=”no” src=”info.html”> </frameset> <frame class=”frame3″ scrolling=”no” src=”map.html”> </frameset> <frame class=”footer” scrolling=”no” src=”footer.html”> </frameset> … Read more

[Solved] presenting a view controller

Try doing this: HomeViewController *homeView = [[HomeViewController alloc]init]; [self presentViewController:homeView animated:YES completion:nil]; Also note that black is the default colour of the window. If you don’t have any view controller named HomeViewController, and you present it, by default it will be visible as black colour to the user. To Avoid this, you need to set … Read more