[Solved] Read address from another file using Perl

I’m going to assume that the file will always only have one line in it… First, always put use warnings; and use strict; at the top of your scripts. This catches the most common and basic problems before you even get going (like not declaring your variables with my for instance). You need to open … Read more

[Solved] PHP-MySQL error inserting data

You override your variable $a $a = $_POST[‘id’]; // assign here $a = $db->prepare($sql);// override here Try to give a different name $smt = $db->prepare($sql); $smt->execute(array(‘:a’=>$a,’:b’=>$b,’:c’=>$c,’:d’=>$d,’:e’=>$e)); header(“location: books.php”); solved PHP-MySQL error inserting data

[Solved] How to add PHP on Javascript code [closed]

It’s certainly possible to output JavaScript with PHP, much like you can output HTML. It’s really no different. Let’s say your PHP has the value you want to output stored in $number: <input type=”button” class=”btn_<?php echo $number; ?>” value=”Tafsir Jalalain”/> <script> $(‘document’).ready(function(){ $(“.btn_<?php echo $number; ?>”).click(function(){ $(“.field<?php echo $number; ?>”).toggle(); }); }); </script> Your output … Read more

[Solved] Instanciate the same device under test twice [closed]

you need to create a top module which would encapsulate both, dut and testbench. I guess under the testbench you meant a bfm model for your dut. You will need also to create a testbench module which will provide stimulus and compare the resulting behavior somehow. module top(); // declare all your inputs needed to … Read more

[Solved] How to split chinese and english word once only?

One of the option is just to split before the first English character and take the 1st and 2nd group inputstring = ‘小西 – 杏花 Siu Sai – Heng Fa’ a = re.split(r'([a-zA-Z].*)’, inputstring) >>>[‘小西 – 杏花 ‘, ‘Siu Sai – Heng Fa’, ”] Another way to do this without an empty string is to … Read more

[Solved] Loop not doing its job

Your condition should be while (a != ‘e’ && a != ‘r’) Otherwise it is always true no matter what value of a you enter. 6 solved Loop not doing its job

[Solved] Why when we add an android service to an app, delphi automatically include in the dpr of the app the unit of the datamodule of the service?

Why when we add an android service to an app, delphi automatically include in the dpr of the app the unit of the datamodule of the service? solved Why when we add an android service to an app, delphi automatically include in the dpr of the app the unit of the datamodule of the service?