[Solved] Java get List from a Website [closed]
Here’s what you’re looking for: while ((sourceLine = source.readLine()) != null) { arrayList.add(sourceLine); } 2 solved Java get List from a Website [closed]
Here’s what you’re looking for: while ((sourceLine = source.readLine()) != null) { arrayList.add(sourceLine); } 2 solved Java get List from a Website [closed]
Here is a plugin that i used in some project: ScrollMagic With this plugin it’s easy to achieve a similar result like the canvas in your link. 2 solved What type of feature in JS/HTML/CSS is this site using? [closed]
I like using Sublime text. It’s very lightweight and extemely versatile :). You can install alot of free very creative plugins to help you coding too including some SVN plugins. To share your code another way i guess you could use something like github or tortoise SVN too. To work on thesame file online i … Read more
In URL are GET parameters, not POST. echo $_GET[‘post1’]; // hey echo $_GET[‘post2’]; // ho echo $_GET[‘post3’]; // letsgo 1 solved Why my $_POST is empty? [duplicate]
There is some good advice here although a couple of things mentioned may cause you some confusion given you will be researching responsive design for the first time. First off it is ok to use px sizes and you do not always have to use % or em’s. Your choice of measurements depends on your … Read more
As far as I can tell, getElementByName is not a function. You can use getElementsByName (note the plural). This will return a collection rather than an element. More than this, you were fetching the entire element, not the value of the element like it seems you want. The following works for me: var name = … Read more
Yes, it is possible. You won’t find a solution online to something that specific. Do research on how to pull data from web pages. One easy way I can suggest is pay attention to the HTML tags used for the data you want, and search only through the relevant tags. That will cut down on … Read more
After looking into your code, I found that ul tag has added display:flex property. you just need to disable that property for ul tag. See screenshot for reference: solved WordPress Menu is is displaying vertically, not horizontally
There are many ways of implementing webservices. In .Net probably you want to have a look to: Web API, if you want HTTP Rest webservices WCF, if you want to implement SOAP services In order to take that decision you need to think about the requirements of your services. Who are going to be the … Read more
Parallax scrolling for the scroll effects. The jQuery library of javascript and of course using HTML / CSS for styling and structuring your pages. This is where you can start off. solved Website technologies [closed]
This is not really a good question, but you still might look at the following links: http://php.net/manual/en/tutorial.forms.php http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.post-method.php http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/ 0 solved Securely send form data instead of using post [closed]
Check this out http://www.techumber.com/2015/04/html-to-pdf-conversion-using-javascript.html Basically you need to use html2canvas and jspdf to make it work. First you will convert your dom to image and then you will use jspdf to create pdf with the images. EDIT: A short note on how it work. We will use two libraries to make this job done. http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/ … Read more
If you want to create inputs on the fly you can use the following: $(“.myCheckbox”).on(“change”, function() { var value = $(this).val(); if (this.checked) { $(this).parent().append(‘<input id=”checkboxInput’+value+'” type=”text” maxlength=”254″ name=”checkboxInput’+value+'”>’); } else { $(‘#checkboxInput’+value).remove(); } }); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <div class=”container”> <div class=”checkboxWrapper”> <input class=”myCheckbox” id=”checkbox1″ type=”checkbox” name=”someName[]” value=”1″ /> <label for=”checkbox1″>Value 1</label> </div> <div class=”checkboxWrapper”> <input … Read more
Based on the link you’ve shared, if you want a popup over any desktop application through the browser, use the W3C Notification API. For example window.onload = function () { if (Notification.permission !== “granted”) Notification.requestPermission(); }; function notifyMe() { if (!Notification) { alert(‘Desktop notifications not available in your browser. Try Chromium.’); return; } if (Notification.permission … Read more
You can use box-shadow for this: span { font-size: 50px; font-weight: bold; box-shadow: inset 0 25px 0 white, inset 0 -22px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5) } <span>Hello!! How are you</span> 0 solved Add a small background for single line of text [closed]