[Solved] Operator ‘
Get extension is a function and you have < between it and its () Replace this: string sFileExt1 = Path.GetExtension < (objFI[0].Name); With: string sFileExt1 = Path.GetExtension(objFI[0].Name); 3 solved Operator ‘
Get extension is a function and you have < between it and its () Replace this: string sFileExt1 = Path.GetExtension < (objFI[0].Name); With: string sFileExt1 = Path.GetExtension(objFI[0].Name); 3 solved Operator ‘
Here is an example. Hope this would help you 🙂 in your controller. lets say upload.php public function upload() { if($this->input->post(‘upload’)) { $config[‘upload_path’] = APPPATH . ‘your upload folder name here/’; $config[‘file_name’] = filename_here; $config[‘overwrite’] = TRUE; $config[“allowed_types”] = ‘jpg|jpeg|png|gif’; $config[“max_size”] = 1024; $config[“max_width”] = 400; $config[“max_height”] = 400; $this->load->library(‘upload’, $config); if(!$this->upload->do_upload()) { $this->data[‘error’] = … Read more