[Solved] Upload photos with NSURLSession in background

From the comments above, it seems like you’ll be uploading several photos at a time and for that a “fromData” approach does not seem like a good idea. Firstly, high resolution photos have several megabytes in size. If your loading a 5mb photo into memory, using NSData, you’re probably fine. But loading 10 photos would … Read more

[Solved] How to use *.RTF files in WebView?

You want to look at NSAttributedString. This class provides direct import/export interchange with RTF files. For iOS, the reference you want is here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/NSAttributedString_UIKit_Additions/index.html For OS X, the reference you want is here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSAttributedString_AppKitAdditions/ 1 solved How to use *.RTF files in WebView?

[Solved] Create a word document, Swift [closed]

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to create a .docx file in Swift, given how complicated they are (you can see for yourself by changing the file extension on any old .docx file to .zip, which will reveal their inner structure). The next best thing is to simply create a .txt file, which can also be … Read more

[Solved] Are Swift dictionaries automatically sorted?

Swift’s Dictionary is a hash-based data structure. Unless a specific ordering mechanism is in place, the order of items in hash-based structures depends on several factors: Hash values of objects used as keys – hashValue method is used to determine the bucket number for the item Size of the structure – Since hashValue can be … Read more

[Solved] Objective-C blocks to Swift [closed]

I’ll help you with closures as I expect they are the most hard part of the code. Rest of the stuff is pretty similar to Java and other OOP languages. You can check closure syntax here. Correct me if my syntax is wrong: picker.finalizationBlock = {(picker, info) in //Your code here… } picker.failureBlock = {(picker, … Read more

[Solved] Compiling problems I am new to programming could someone check out my project file and see what’s wrong with it [closed]

I apologies for my 1st comment. I made mistake to understand your question. and run your project in iphone simulator. but , now I have successfully solved your issue . You have set InterfaceController as class of both the controller in storyboard . I have attach image with your issue. Issue:- Here i have attached … Read more

[Solved] swift if statement

Something like the following? if message.ReceiverId != self.loggedInUserUid { var newVariable = message.ReceiverId } else if message.senderId != self.loggedInUserUid { var newVariable = message.senderId } 0 solved swift if statement

[Solved] Int to non optional string

Use optional bindings: let myString = “00012” if let myInt = Int(myString) { let imageName = “name_\(myInt)” let image = UIImage(named: imageName) } alternatively use regular expression: let myString = “00012” let myStringWithoutLeadingZeros = myString.replacingOccurrences(of: “^0+”, with: “”, options: .regularExpression) let imageName = “name_” + myStringWithoutLeadingZeros let image = UIImage(named: imageName) solved Int to non … Read more

[Solved] What is the equivalent code for this Swift code?

I think it is the following code, I haven’t tested it, since I don’t know the result. CGAffineTransform *scale = CGAffineTransformMakeScale((1 – 0.5 * scaleFactor), (1 – 0.5 * scaleFactor)); CGAffineTransform *scale2 = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(-(self.player.bounds.width / 4 * scaleFactor), -(self.player.bounds.height / 4 * scaleFactor)); // concat the 2 CGAffineTransforms. CGAffineTransform *transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(scale, scale2); self.player.transform = … Read more

[Solved] Dynamic trim double [closed]

This code will work for removing trailing zeros let distanceFloat1: Float = 1.10 let distanceFloat2: Float = 0.10101010101 print(“Value \(distanceFloat1.clean)”) print(“Value \(distanceFloat2.clean)”) extension Float { var clean: String { return self.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 ? String(format: “%.0f”, self) : String(self) } } Output Value 1.1 Value 1.101010 if you want to remove trailing zeros, also … Read more

[Solved] how do i get particular key value from string in swift4

Below is the sample code to parse your json string // I’ve escaped the double quotes so that it can run, you don’t need to do it because you already have the string let responseStr = “[{\”Loc_District\”:8119,\”districtname\”:\”अजमेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”AJMER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8104,\”districtname\”:\”अलवर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”ALWAR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8125,\”districtname\”:\”बांसवाड़ा\”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BANSWARA\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8128,\”districtname\”:\”बारां \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BARAN\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8115,\”districtname\”:\”बाड़मेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BARMER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8105,\”districtname\”:\”भरतपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BHARATPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8122,\”districtname\”:\”भीलवाडा \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BHILWARA\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8101,\”districtname\”:\”बीकानेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BIKANER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8121,\”districtname\”:\”बून्दी \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”BUNDI\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8126,\”districtname\”:\”चित्तौड़गढ़ \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”CHITTORGARH\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8102,\”districtname\”:\”चूरू \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”CHURU\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8109,\”districtname\”:\”दौसा \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”DAUSA\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8106,\”districtname\”:\”धौलपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”DHOLPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8124,\”districtname\”:\”डूंगरपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”DUNGARPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8099,\”districtname\”:\”गंगानगर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”GANGANAGAR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8100,\”districtname\”:\”हनुमानगढ \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”HANUMANGARH\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8110,\”districtname\”:\”जयपुर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”JAIPUR\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8114,\”districtname\”:\”जैसलमेर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”JAISALMER\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8116,\”districtname\”:\”जालोर \”,\”District_NameEng\”:\”JALORE\”},{\”Loc_District\”:8129,\”districtname\”:\”झालावाड … Read more

[Solved] Place JSON data in label in Swift [duplicate]

Try using Codable to parse the JSON response. Create the models like, struct Root: Decodable { let data: Response } struct Response: Decodable { let timeIn: String let timeOut: String } Now parse your JSON data like, if let data = data { do { let decoder = JSONDecoder() decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase let response = … Read more