[Solved] Get letters from string swift
You can do it this way: let myString = “so123han” let alphaChars = myString.unicodeScalars.filter({ CharacterSet.letters.contains($0) }).map({ Character($0) }) 3 solved Get letters from string swift
You can do it this way: let myString = “so123han” let alphaChars = myString.unicodeScalars.filter({ CharacterSet.letters.contains($0) }).map({ Character($0) }) 3 solved Get letters from string swift
There’s no such equivalent solution in JavaScript, because there’s no equivalent problem. What you’re demonstrating is conditional binding, which exists to allow you to create a non-optional value (x, in your example), out of an optional value (y). There’s no such need in Javascript, because all values are nullable, for better or for worse. You … Read more
let parameters: [String: AnyObject] = [ “Notification”: [ “id”: “15”, ………. …… ] ] Alamofire.request(.POST, “http://server.com”, parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON) .responseJSON { request, response, JSON, error in print(response) print(JSON) print(error) } solved how to create json string in swift and send it to server
Get the first index of the dot and get the substring after that index let str = “asderwt.qwertyu.zxcvbbnnhg” if let index = str.firstIndex(where: { $0 == “.” }) { print(str[index…])//.qwertyu.zxcvbbnnhg } solved Trim String before specific character?
Basic Step: 1) Get value from Picker : => use below datasource method func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) { // use the row to get the selected row from the picker view // using the row extract the value from your datasource (array[row]) // Put code for add value on UILabel … Read more
for item in firstArray{ let user_id=item.value(forKey: “id”) as! String if user_id==some_id{ print(“found user”) } } 2 solved How found and get value in an array [closed]
The data is being fetched asynchronously and the print statement is getting executed before the response is received. print the data after you assign value to self.jumlahStok solved Global Variable Not Update ( Swift ) [closed]
If your goal is to have all three text fields follow the same rule, set the delegate for all three. The shouldChangeCharactersIn only needs to check the “current” text field into which the user is currently typing. A minor observation, but I also would avoid recreating the CharacterSet of allowed characters repeatedly. You can simply … Read more
First, use camelCase for naming in Swift. lowerCamelCase for constants/variables/functions and UpperCamelCase for types (classes, …) MAX_RADIUS_IN_MILE -> maxRadiusInMile Now to your problem. Error is clear, you have constant of type Double (if you don’t specify type of decimal number, compiler give it type Double), but assigning maximumValue requires type Float. What now? One solution … Read more
@IBOutlet weak var batsmenScoreStepper:UIStepper! @IBAction func resetScoreButton(_ sender: Any) { batsmenScoreStepper.value = 0.0; displayBatsmenOneScoreLabel.text = “\(batsmenScoreStepper.value)” } you should first take outlet of your UIStepper and reset it. 1 solved Reset Score Button iOS
You should iterate through every element with map and reverse them. let playersReversed = players.map { $0.reversed() } Keep in mind that this will return an array of reversed collections and not an array of arrays of strings. To do that, convert the result of the reversion to Array: let playersReversed = players.map { Array($0.reversed()) … Read more
You haven’t given much code, but it looks like you are forgetting to cast your data array after you’ve retrieved the information. It’s kind of hard to tell without looking at your other code, but you might find this answer useful. Here is an example of proper data casting and retrieval. func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, didSelectRowAtIndexPath … Read more
I also really don’t get your intention. However, viewDidLoad is called exactly once, when the controller is first loaded into memory. That’s the point where you usually want to instantiate any instance variables and build any views that live for the entire lifecycle of this view controller. Nevertheless, usually the view isn’t visible at this … Read more
I’d imagine the place where you’re keeping track of the score for that particular “play” of your game is in the scene, so that makes the most sense. What you really need to decide is how to save the high score. The most basic approach is to use UserDefaults. So when the game ends you … Read more
Is there any way to over come this? No. If you wanted to be able to use the framework in Xcode 9, you shouldn’t have built it in Xcode 10. solved Building a universal swift framework