[Solved] How do I find the culprit code that is making C++ list give me ‘attempting to reference a deleted function’ error with MSVC 14.20.27508? [closed]

How do I find the culprit code that is making C++ list give me ‘attempting to reference a deleted function’ error with MSVC 14.20.27508? [closed] solved How do I find the culprit code that is making C++ list give me ‘attempting to reference a deleted function’ error with MSVC 14.20.27508? [closed]

[Solved] C++ Own comparison in std::list

list::sort requires a predicate function-object. You can try: std::list<person> people; // Add some people… people.sort([](const person &left, const person &right) { return left.name < right.name; }); See also: Sorting a list of a custom type 1 solved C++ Own comparison in std::list