[Solved] Android NetworkOnMainThreadException [duplicate]

You are not allowed to do network operations with the Main (UI) thread. There are several ways of using background threads. I would recommend using AsyncTask since it has a nice structure which is easy to understand. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html Here is an SO example also: AsyncTask Android example Should be a lot more available on Google. … Read more

[Solved] what is the meaning of this python code:

The format-string “<L” in the expression struct.pack(“<L”,self.src) means that pack interpretes the value in self.src as little-endian ordered unsigned long value. The endianess is a convention, which determines in which direction a sequence of bits are interpreted as a number: from (Big-endian) left to right, or from (Little-endian) right to left. Afterwards the unsigned long … Read more

[Solved] Implemeting a basic FTP client in Java

You can start by reading up the RFC governing the FTP protocol. With that you can get an idea on how the FTP protocol works, how it sends commands, expected responses etc. You can find a link here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc959 Aside from that you can have a look at this GitHub repository. In there you’ll find … Read more

[Solved] Can I create socket between two devices where one device is connected to wifi internet and other is connected to 3G or 2G internet.?

Can I create socket between two devices where one device is connected to wifi internet and other is connected to 3G or 2G internet.? solved Can I create socket between two devices where one device is connected to wifi internet and other is connected to 3G or 2G internet.?

[Solved] c++ socket programming : sendto() and recvfrom() error code 10038 & in ‘server’ bind failed with 10038

Error 10038 is WSAENOTSOCK: The descriptor is not a socket. You are calling socket() and assigning your SOCKET handles inside of if statements, but you are missing adequate parenthesis. They should be like this instead: if( (receivingSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET ) if( (sendingSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET ) Personally, I … Read more

[Solved] Saving a web page to a file in Java [closed]

This is HTTP. You can’t just open a socket and start reading something. You have to be polite to the server and send a request first: socket.getOutputStream().write(“GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n”.getBytes()); socket.getOutputStream().flush(); Then read a HTTP response, parse it, and get your html page back. EDIT I wrote what to do with sockets only because it was … Read more

[Solved] When source_address of python socket.create_connection is used? [closed]

My question is clear enough. Now, I know the answer. I know how to inspect source code, I read the source code of method socket.create_connection(address[, timeout[, source_address]]), I asked for source_address, it’s all about binding. I have this question because I am a beginner, I have no background knowledge of socket programming, so I find … Read more

[Solved] Sending NULL data over a socket

Try WriteData(std::string(“\0”,1)); using your function or even: const char null_data(0); send(newsockfd,&null_data,1,0); to send it directly. WriteData(“00000000”); Will actually sends 8 octets of 48 [decimal] (assuming your platform is ASCII which all modern systems are compatible with). However \0 is the escape sequence used in string literals to represent the null character (that is the zero … Read more

[Solved] Check If Port is Open in Python3?

This is a Python3 example I got from https://www.kite.com/python/answers/how-to-check-if-a-network-port-is-open-in-python import socket a_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) port = 8080 location = (“”, port) check = a_socket.connect_ex(location) if check == 0: print(“Port is open”) else: print(“Port is not open”) 1 solved Check If Port is Open in Python3?

[Solved] How to create a server which creates a new thread for each client? [closed]

Basically, what you’re looking for is something like this : #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <pthread.h> void* handle_connection(void *arg) { int client_sock = *(int*)arg; /* handle the connection using the socket… */ } int main(void) { /* do the necessary setup, i.e. bind() and listen()… */ int client_sock; pthread_t client_threadid; while((client_sock = accept(server_sock, addr, addrlen)) … Read more

[Solved] What is the iOS equivalent to Android Socket programming code?

You don’t translate code line by line. Different platforms and even different frameworks use different styles of API. Since your question doesn’t say what you are trying to do, I can only recommend that you read more about how stream and socket programming works on iOS in the Stream Programming Guide, or the CFNetwork Programming … Read more