[Solved] Why does my app crash when I tap the background?

From the chat with Jack, it appears the culprit of the crash was due to a method: -(void)dismissKeyboard { // —————————————————— // These variables appear to be NSString, so it crashes // —————————————————— [message resignFirstResponder]; [contact1 resignFirstResponder]; [contact2 resignFirstResponder]; [contact3 resignFirstResponder]; } So the solution was to simply change it to: -(void)dismissKeyboard { [self.view endEditing:YES]; … Read more

[Solved] Python Web Scraping – Failed to extract a list from the website

It most likely dynamically writes the data using JavaScript. You could use libraries like Selenium or Dryscape to get the data. You might want to look into Web Scraping JavaScritp page with Python. Or, if you insist on using scrapy, look into Selecting dynamically-loaded content. solved Python Web Scraping – Failed to extract a list … Read more