[Solved] How to open external link from UIWebView not in my App, but in Safari? SWIFT

@Leo Dabus thanks a lot for this hint, but I guess I have a better solution: func webView(webView: UIWebView, shouldStartLoadWithRequest request: NSURLRequest, navigationType: UIWebViewNavigationType) -> Bool { if navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationType.LinkClicked{ UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(request.URL!) return false } return true } this one works perfect. solved How to open external link from UIWebView not in my App, but … Read more

[Solved] Get an iPhone UDID from Mobile Safari

Apple Server plays no role while you retrieve the UUID from the device by the above method mentioned in your question. You can check this by creating a hotspot and connect both your phone and the server which serve the .mobileconfig file to the hotspot. install the provision file on your phone and it will … Read more