[Solved] Redux Observable: If the same action is dispatched multiple times, how do I cancel one of them?

You can use a .filter() predicate to only unsubscribe your mergeMap for the exact uid you are looking for: export const getUserEpic = action$ => action$ .ofType(t.GET_USER) .mergeMap(action => Observable .from(query.findUser(action.uid)) .map(user => ({ type: t.GET_USER_SUCCESS, user })) .takeUntil( action$ .ofType(t.GET_USER_CANCELLED) .filter(act => act.uid === action.uid) ) 1 solved Redux Observable: If the same action … Read more

[Solved] RXJS Switchmap – is it possible on value

Wrap your simply value inside an Observable “Everything is a Stream” Observable.of(yourValue).switchMap(yourSwitchMapFunction) @pixelbits the constructor of a Subject doesn’t have any parameter, and less a value, since the productor of values of the Subject are outside the stream, if you want to use a Subject you need to do something like this: const mySubject = … Read more

[Solved] Use RxJS’s group by at inside of Subscribe [closed]

how you do it: service: Dataa() { return this._http.get<any[]>(‘https://api.github.com/users’); // not a promise } component: _test; // not private ngOnInit() { this._test = this._apiService.Dataa().pipe( // set observable to variable switchMap(data => from(data).pipe( // array to stream groupBy((item: any) => item.type), // group by type mergeMap(group => zip(of(group.key), group.pipe(toArray()))), // convert each group back to array … Read more

[Solved] What is the best practice in Angular 8 to consume data from service?

The answer as to how to handle data between components in Angular is: use a service https://angular.io/guide/architecture-services The angular team maintains as really good tutorial called Tour of heroes, where they provide developers with a great intro to the angular architecture and its main data workflows. I specially recommend people to finish the last chapter, … Read more