[Solved] Get Count of Shared DataSet when defined with a Parameter

A workaround taken from this answer (Its not a duplicate question else I would flag it as such) is to create a hidden, multi-valued, parameter e.g. MyHiddenDataSetValues which stores the values from “MySharedDatasetWithParameter” and then =Parameters!MyHiddenDataSetValues.Count gives the number of rows. Rather clunky, so still hoping for a way to use CountRows. solved Get Count … Read more

[Solved] hide/remove header and footer

For each element in your header or footer, whether it be an image or a text box or anything else, right click on each item and select the ‘properties’ option at the bottom of the menu. Then select the ‘visibility’ tab and change from ‘show’ to ‘show or hide based on an expression’. Click the … Read more

[Solved] In SSRS 2008, how are parameters passed down to the DatSet Query… or can they?

In the query designer drag a dimension on top of your report. Chose an Operator and a Filter and check the checkbox by Parameters and BOOOM you have your parameter. If you go now into your report designer you find the parameter you just checked in the folder Parameters on the left navigation pane (on … Read more

[Solved] SSRS report parameter

A few things to check: SetParameters takes IEnumerable<ReportParameter> not a single ReportParameter object. Call it like this instead: serverReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { ReportParameter(“dt1”, date.ToString()) } ); Make sure that the parameter does not have the available values filled in as well as the default value. If the date passed is not one of the valid values … Read more