[Solved] SSRS report parameter

A few things to check:

SetParameters takes IEnumerable<ReportParameter> not a single ReportParameter object. Call it like this instead:

serverReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { ReportParameter("dt1", date.ToString()) } );

Make sure that the parameter does not have the available values filled in as well as the default value. If the date passed is not one of the valid values (if applied) it won’t work. For example, if the available values are set to =Today then the only report that will run properly is the first one that coincidentally uses that value.

Are you sure that date.ToString() is passing an appropriate and valid date?

Does the server’s report parameter match the development environment? Parameter settings aren’t automatically updated so that any modifications made on the server aren’t overwritten by deploying the report again. Check the server’s report parameters and update if necessary, or simply delete and redeploy the report.


solved SSRS report parameter