[Solved] Regular Expression to find specific section of a text file

regex = re.compile(“.*(HEADER.*$.*A:86::ABC)”, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) >>> regex.findall(string) [u’HEADER:KHJ3\nThis is section text under header \nA match text will look like this A:86::ABC’] Hopefully this helps. For 2 captures use “.*(HEADER.*$)(.*A:86::ABC)” 1 solved Regular Expression to find specific section of a text file

[Solved] Where to start to learn regular expressions? [closed]

Your question will be closed as it’s not a real question but you’ll find a lot documentation about regular expression (abbreviated regex or regexp) on Internet and on StackOverflow but here a beginning. Following information comes from Wikipedia… http://regexone.com will help you learning regex with lessons. Metacharacters: . matches any single character For example a.c … Read more

[Solved] Characters between two exact characters [closed]

This can be solved much easier without requiring a regular expression: You just want to “invert” the area of the string delimited by the first and last occurrence of a “1”. Here’s an example solution: string input = “……….1…………1…”; int start = input.IndexOf(‘1’); int end = input.LastIndexOf(‘1’); char[] content = input.ToCharArray(); for (int i = … Read more

[Solved] consider a string which has question marks, numbers , letters [closed]

I leave the refactoring of regex on you, but this is something you can do using String.prototype.match. function checkStr(str) { let match = str.match(/(\d)\?{3}(\d)/); return match && +match[1] + +match[2] === 10; } let out = checkStr(‘bdhfr6???3hfyrt5???eee5’); console.log(out) out = checkStr(‘bdhfr6???4hfyrt5???eee5’); console.log(out) solved consider a string which has question marks, numbers , letters [closed]

[Solved] php regex preg_replace html tags

It would better to use a library like DOMDocument to parse the HTML. But if you really have to do it with a regexp…. Don’t use | in the regexp, that matches either class or id, but not both. preg_replace(‘~<div\b.*?\bclass\s*=\s*”(.*?)”.*?\bid\s*=\s*”(.*?)”.*>~i’,'<div class=”$1″ id=”$2″>’, $content); Note that this will only work if the class is to the … Read more

[Solved] Regex stemmer code explanation

It splits a word into two parts: stem and end. There are three cases: The word ends with ss (or even more s): stem <- word and end <- “” The word ends with a single s: stem <- word without “s” and end <- “s” The word does not end with s: stem <- … Read more

[Solved] Powershell & Regex – How to find and delete uppercase characters from file names in directory [closed]

since this got answers, for full clarity: Remove -WhatIf when you’re running it. Get-ChildItem | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -creplace “[A-Z]”} -WhatIf This pipes Get-ChildItem into Rename-Item and then Sets the NewName to be the old name, except we’ve case-sensitively replaced any capital letters with nothing. 3 solved Powershell & Regex – How to find and … Read more

[Solved] Get substrings from an array rows, Regex? [closed]

$str=”2015/2016-0 5 Gruuu 105 Fac Cience Comm 10073 Com Aud 103032 Tech Real TV 4 First Time feb First Quad 6.0 1 Lory Johnson, Nicholas 1334968 47107453A Cory Stein, Hellen Monster Cr. pie 5 a 3-2 08704 Iguan NewYork [email protected] [email protected] 617788050 Si 105 / 968 17/07/2015 0″; Get 6 numbers: preg_match(‘~\d{6}~’, $str, $matches); print_r($matches); … Read more

[Solved] Python re: how to lowercase some words [closed]

Wanted solution using regex, here you are: >>> import re >>> s = “StringText someText Wwwwww SomeOtherText OtherText SOMETextMore etc etc etc” >>> def replacement(match): … return match.group(1).lower() >>> re.sub(r'([sS]\w+)’, replacement, s) ‘stringtext sometext Wwwwww someothertext OtherText sometextmore etc etc etc’ 10 solved Python re: how to lowercase some words [closed]

[Solved] Inserting and removing a character from a string

Adding characters “customer” <> “s” Removing characters Elixir idiomatic: String.trim_trailing(“users”, “s”) #⇒ “user” More efficient for long strings: with [_ | tail] <- “users” |> to_charlist |> :lists.reverse, do: tail |> :lists.reverse |> to_string Most efficient (credits to @Dogbert): str = “users” sz = :erlang.byte_size(str), :erlang.binary_part(str, {0, sz – 1}) 6 solved Inserting and removing a … Read more