[Solved] Regular Expression for an expression [closed]

JMeter uses Perl5-style regular expressions so the relevant regular expression would be: jobID\\”:(\d+) where: \ – escape character for the backslash () – grouping d – matches any digit + – non greedy match (don’t stop after first digit) See Regular Expressions chapter of JMeter User Manual for more information. You can test your regular … Read more

[Solved] python re.compile match dosn’t match backward slash in full path in windows [duplicate]

So there are two things: The assignment of s should be either with escaped back-slashes or as a raw string. I prefer the latter: s = r”C:\x\xxx\temp\downloads\test_dir\sql\my-ee.sql” you should use the search method instead of match to be content with a partial match. Then, you can use \\\\ in the regular expression, or – as … Read more

[Solved] How to select sub string in oracle?

Using substr: declare l_start number := DBMS_UTILITY.get_cpu_time; begin for i in ( with t as ( select ‘Chapter ‘ || level || ‘ Unit ‘ || level || ‘ Sect ‘ || level d from dual connect by rownum < 100000 ) select substr(d, 1, instr(d, ‘ ‘, 1, 2) – 1) chapter , substr(d, … Read more

[Solved] Match a character in string and add characters before and after matched string using R [closed]

I modified the code to include the strings in single quotes. (R requires single or double quotes for strings. I used single quotes so as not to have to escape the double quotes.) Before <- ‘kzyFw4hw8EOC/655’ After <- ‘kzyFw4hw8EOC”https://stackoverflow.com/”655’ Using base R: gsub.method <- gsub(“https://stackoverflow.com/”, ‘”https://stackoverflow.com/”‘, Before) gsub.method == After # [1] TRUE or using … Read more

[Solved] Expand Python regex to list of all possible strings [closed]

You could use Exrex. Install with pip install exrex. Then execute in terminal: exrex ‘Good (Morning|afternoon|evening) my (friends|family|brothers|sisters)\. hope you like (apple|orange|grape) juice\.’ Make sure not to forget the backslashes \ before the dots ., as dots are a special character inside regexes. This will return: Good Morning my friends. hope you like apple juice. … Read more

[Solved] Get strings list in python with regex [duplicate]

For this task using a regex is a bit overkill. Just use the split() method string = “¬~ZCC÷0¬ZAF÷~World¬~AA÷Eef~RZgth¬AD¬~AA÷jaKNedK8¬AD÷1502690‌​400¬ADE÷~1502690400” x = string.split(“¬~”) print(x) solved Get strings list in python with regex [duplicate]

[Solved] java Dangling meta character ‘+’ [closed]

You error has nothing to do with the shown regex. The problem is because you use the matched result values as a parameter to replaceAll(), and those parameters are also regular expressions. Since you don’t want them to be interpreted as regex, you need to escape them, or rather “quote” them, like this: str = … Read more

[Solved] How performing these two function?

Use preg_match to capture them in your functions. Regex for capturing the letters: /([A-Z]+)/i Regex for capturing the numbers: /([0-9]+)/ So you could have functions like: function getAlpha($source) { preg_match(“/([A-Z]+)/i”, $source, $matches); return $matches[1]; } function getNumeric($source) { preg_match(“/([0-9]+)/”, $source, $matches); return $matches[1]; } And you would use it like this: echo getAlpha(“butterfly12”); //butterfly echo … Read more

[Solved] Regex pattern for file extraction via url?

Regex for this is overkill. It’s too heavy, and considering the format of the string will always be the same, you’re going to find it easier to debug and maintain using splitting and substrings. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { String s = “<A HREF=\”/data/client/Action.log\”>Action.log</A><br> 6/8/2015 3:45 PM “; String[] t = s.Split(‘”‘); … Read more

[Solved] How do I replace the middle of a string?

You need look-around assertions. $a =~ s|(?<=<no> ).*(?= </no>)|000|gi; # $a is now “<no> 000 </no> ” Have you considered reading a Perl book or two? You are not learning effectively if you have to come to Stack Overflow to ask that sort of questions that can be easily answered by reading the fine documentation. … Read more

[Solved] Automate the Boring Stuff: Phone number and email extractor [closed]

phoneRegex = re.compile(r”'( (\+)? (\s)? (91)? (\s)? (\d{5}) (\s)? (\d{5}) )”’, re.VERBOSE) You are finding the capture groups and joining them in phoneNum now the capture groups (\+),(\s),(91),(\s),(\d{5}),(\s), and (\d{5}) together make up a phone number. and the large capture group ( (\+)? (\s)? (91)? (\s)? (\d{5}) (\s)? (\d{5}) ) also captures the phone number. … Read more

[Solved] RegEx to determine if string is score [closed]

This will match a number, followed immediately by a hyphen, followed immediately by another number, allows for multi-digit numbers, and has groups to give you each of the scores. preg_match(‘/([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/’, $string, $match); That should work for you. 1 solved RegEx to determine if string is score [closed]

[Solved] Regex for HTML manipulation [closed]

It is bad practice to use regular expressions to parse HTML. Instead, use the tools provided in PHP that are specifically geared toward parsing HTML, namely DomDocument[doc]. // create a new DomDocument object $doc = new DOMDocument(); // load the HTML into the DomDocument object (this would be your source HTML) $doc->loadHTML(‘ <table> <tr> <td … Read more