[Solved] How to render array of array of objects in Jade

If you are iterating over an object, you need to use the each key, value in obj notation: each key, city in cities h2 asdf each foo in city .col-md-4 .row.bottomPadding .col-md-3 img(src=foo.logo_image_url) .col-md-9.text-nowrap p.nav.hide-overflow= foo.name solved How to render array of array of objects in Jade

[Solved] is there jade plugin that would allow manipulation using jquery styled syntax

This code does more or less what i wanted. And it’s natively supported. It’s called conditional attributes in docs. You can find more information about it in attribute section. Only works with latest version of jade. //- Suppose object passed is this – var selected=’about’; li(class={selected:selected==”home”}) Home li(class={selected:selected==”blog”}) Blog li(class={selected:selected==”about”}) About ..Will result in this: … Read more