[Solved] Scala, Akka, Lagom, Play, Reactive and Microservices [closed]

The question is a bit too broad to answer it here. But Jonas Bonér, the creator of Akka, explores the relationship between Microservices and Reactive Systems in his free ebook “Reactive Microservices Architecture“, why don’t you read that for a start. Akka is a library/tookit, it’s more low-level and doesn’t guide you towards using certain … Read more

[Solved] Expected ‘}’ but eof found [closed]

Your static block is off, and you’re missing any import(s). Java doesn’t have a named dictionary parameter syntax, it should look something like private static Set<Book> books; // do not use raw-types static { books = new HashSet<>(); // diamond operator books.add(new Book(1, “C++”, 10, “ABC”)); // need to close the .add() call books.add(new Book(2, … Read more