[Solved] All array possibilities

I have taken the first permutation algorithm I found in wikipedia and implemented it in Delphi (2009); I hope that is what you are looking for: type TIntegerArray = array of Integer; procedure Permutation(K: Integer; var A: TIntegerArray); var I, J: Integer; Tmp: Integer; begin for I:= 2 to Length(A) do begin J:= K mod … Read more

[Solved] Unable to convert this Pascal code to C# [closed]

I think it will be something like that: static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Clear(); //unnecessary Console.Write(“Variant=”); int vers = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write(“Number of works=”); int n = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string X = vers.ToString(); string FileName = “Shed” + X + “.tab”; //or string FileName = “Shed” + vers.ToString() + “.tab”; //without unnecessary X variable System.IO.File.WriteAllText(FileName, string.Empty); //clear … Read more

[Solved] I’m getting an Error:Illegal Expression

The code is full of errors and would never compile. You use idnum and payment as array but you’ve declared it as integer! If you need the array, use IDNUMARR and PAYMENTARR instead. In line 9 and 10 you declare the global var IDNUMARR PAYMENTARR but you declare it again as a local var in … Read more