[Solved] What is the difference between OUTER APPLY and OUTER JOIN, and when to use each? [closed]

First, I do not really know which is the default OUTER JOIN in T-SQL (I’d bet FULL), but in any case, I think it is unclear – it is best to use LEFT, RIGHT, OR FULL JOIN explicitly when you need one. JOIN joins tables. Already existent ones or subqueries. APPLY applies (duh) a table-valued … Read more

[Solved] How to reproduce a table of student? [closed]

Something like x <- 1:20; names(x) <-x y <- c(0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005); names(y) <- y outer(x, y,function(x, y) {abs(qt(y, df=x))}) #> 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001 5e-04 #> 1 6.313752 12.706205 31.820516 63.656741 318.308839 636.619249 #> 2 2.919986 4.302653 6.964557 9.924843 22.327125 31.599055 #> 3 2.353363 3.182446 4.540703 5.840909 10.214532 12.923979 #> … Read more

[Solved] Oracle-Conveting SQL to ANSI SQL

This section is probably causing the problem: FROM BOM_CHILDS C , XX_MAIN.XX_MAST MAST , XX_MAIN.XX_STPO STPO WHERE C.MATNR = MAST.MATNR(+) AND MAST.STLNR = STPO.STLNR(+) AND MAST.STLAN(+) = ‘1’ AND MAST.WERKS(+) = C.WERKS AND STPO.IDNRK IS NULL To make this a bit easier, lets rearrange the WHERE clause to order the tables by how they relate: … Read more