[Solved] What is a Combo Repository and a Service Bus?

I am thinking about using a NoSQL database to scale database reads Good idea. It sounds like you are going down the path of Command Query Responsibility Segregation(CQRS). NoSql databases make for excellent read stores. The link you referenced describes a technique to update Combining SQL Server and MongoDB using NHibernate – this is what … Read more

[Solved] Firebase Query help me

To solve this problem, move the declaration of your final int[] ndomande = {14}; array inside the onDataChange() method, otherwise it will be always null. public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { //Toast.makeText(PlayTest.this, “FIN QUI “,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); final int[] ndomande = {14}; for (DataSnapshot messageSnapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) { //Toast.makeText(PlayTest.this, “QUI “,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); long numero_domande = (long) messageSnapshot.getValue(); ndomande[0] = … Read more