[Solved] What is the keycode for the open curly brace {

I figured it out by replacing keyCode with charCode and changing the event to keypress. editor.on(“keypress”, function (cm, event) { if (!cm.state.completionActive && event.charCode != 13 && event.charCode != 123) { CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete(cm, null, {completeSingle: false}); } }); solved What is the keycode for the open curly brace {

[Solved] How can I respond to a keyboard chord and replace the entered alpha key with a special one?

Here’s one way to accomplish this for all TextBoxes on your Form: public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if (this.ActiveControl != null && this.ActiveControl is TextBox) { string replacement = “”; TextBox tb = (TextBox)this.ActiveControl; bool useHTMLCodes = checkBoxUseHTMLCodes.Checked; if … Read more