[Solved] Which form is valid between starting with square and curly brackets?

[ starts an array initializer. Valid entries are values separated by comments. Example: [“one”, 2, “three”] { starts an object initializer. Valid entries are name/value pairs where each pair is a names in double quotes followed by a colon (:) followed by any valid value. Examples: {“name”: “value”} {“name”: {}} {“name”: [“one”, 2, “three”]} All … Read more

[Solved] JSON object within JSON objects in Node.js [closed]

Try something like this: var widget = JSON.parse(json_string); var window_content = widget.debug.window; widget.debug = window_content; var new_json_string = JSON.stringify(widget); edit: removed widget.debug.window = false; since replacing widget.debug will remove it, and setting it to false would make it appear again as “false”. 3 solved JSON object within JSON objects in Node.js [closed]

[Solved] How to read this kind of json o/p in Android?

//You can use below code for parsing this kind of jsonarray String yourResponse; JSONArray jsonarray = new JSONArray(yourResponse); for (int i = 0; i < jsonarray.lenght(); i++){ JSONObject jsonobject = jsonarray.getJSONObject(i); if(jsonobject.has(“hit”){ String hit = jsonobject.getString(“hit”); } if(jsonobject.has(“SUM(hit)”){ String sumHit = jsonobject.getString(“SUM(hit)”); } if(jsonobject.has(“COUNT(id)”){ String countID = jsonobject.getString(“COUNT(id)”); } } solved How to read this … Read more

[Solved] Why is give me “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier”, in javascript? [closed]

poiData should be another property name, not a variable assignment. var World = { poiData: { “id”:”1″, “longitude”: “a” , “latitude”: “a” , “altitude”: “a” , “description”: “esta es una descripcion de mi poi”, “title”: “titulo” }, initiallyLoadedData: false, markerDrawable: null, … }; Actually, if this there are supposed to be many places of interest, … Read more

[Solved] How to read nested json object? [duplicate]

Simply do it by myObj.cars.car1 , myObj.cars.car2 and , myObj.cars.car3 to get directly or loop as below example var myObj = { “name”: “John”, “age”: 30, “cars”: { “car1”: “Ford”, “car2”: “BMW”, “car3”: “Fiat” } }; for (let i in myObj) { if (typeof myObj[i] == ‘object’) { for (let j in myObj[i]) { console.log(j, … Read more

[Solved] Parsing multidimensional JSON in java

Try to use google GSON Library it will fullfill the same requirements as you want. Here is the Link for a sample tutorial implemented in android how ever the language used is Java All you have to do is make a data model of same type and as members in JSOn. try the example in … Read more

[Solved] How to deserialize JSON in C# [closed]

class Employer { [JsonProperty(“nome”)] public string Nome { get; set; } [JsonProperty(“id”)] public string Id { get; set; } [JsonProperty(“setor”)] public string Setor { get; set; } } class Employers : List<Employer> { } Employers employers = JObject.Parse(json)[“result”][“employers”].ToObject<Employers>(); 1 solved How to deserialize JSON in C# [closed]

[Solved] json object value to select dropdown update using jquery

Further @Rory McCrossan comment, A. You need tun each on the dropDownField.roles not on dropDownField. B. You can “collect” the html for each item in the array, then append it to the select. var roles = { “roles”: [{ “role_id”: 2, “role_name”: “admin” }, { “role_id”: 4, “role_name”: “QA” }, { “role_id”: 3, “role_name”: “TL” … Read more

[Solved] How to extract json api through go to extract stargazers_count of a repo?

Here is an example (completely neglecting error handling): request, _ := http.Get(“https://api.github.com/repos/openebs/openebs”) defer request.Body.Close() bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(request.Body) var apiResponse struct { StargazersCount int `json:”stargazers_count”` } json.Unmarshal(bytes, &apiResponse) fmt.Println(apiResponse.StargazersCount) Playground 3 solved How to extract json api through go to extract stargazers_count of a repo?

[Solved] Decode json array

Try this: $categories = json_decode($data)->{‘Category’}; foreach($categories as $category){ echo $category-{‘id’}; } solved Decode json array