[Solved] Redirecting the customer to page after some delay [duplicate]

This does not work. It is like: location.href = “https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49859733/index.php”; 1000; Obviously the 1000; expression does not nothing. Use setTimeout: setTimeout(function() { location.href = “https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49859733/index.php”; }, 1000); solved Redirecting the customer to page after some delay [duplicate]

[Solved] Google recaptcha verification?

If you are the developer, you can add in a flag to – for example – load the recaptcha unless there is a testing parameter in the URL or something like that. Although this is not advised if this code is in production. Also, try a different browser and ensure you aren’t using any automation/controlling … Read more

[Solved] Function to be called once div hits top of viewport window

Check this fiddle. I have added code to alert whenever .test div reaches at top (multiple times). If you need to call the alert/some code only once then you need to remove else part. Below is the code. $(document).ready(function() { $(‘.test’).attr(“attop”, false); var lastScrollTop = 0; $(window).on(‘scroll’, function() { var windowScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop(); if (windowScrollTop … Read more

[Solved] jQuery-line $(this).nextAll(‘.toggled:first’) works in Stack Snippet and JSFiddle, but not on site

The nextAll() function only checks for elements on the same or deeper node-level in the DOM. So your code will work with the following HTML structure: The <a class=”togglerLink” href=”#link”>link</a> here, has a destination inside the Toggler. <div class=”toggled”> <span id=”link” style=”color:green”>Link-destination.</span> </div> But not with something like this: <div> The <a class=”togglerLink” href=”#link”>link</a> here, … Read more

[Solved] I am creating a page which involves creating a new html table every time depending on the selected option ,how to go about it?

Ok, you wrote api handler for option number 2: “Device Assign policies”. Then, handler returns json response which converts to the table and appends to the body. Next, as I got, you need to handle other options from select. And those options also are related to the same table from previous response. So, by clicking … Read more

[Solved] Check if a date has been selected. Bootstrap input type date

As mentioned in comment, you should write var selectedDate = $(“#date”).val(); if(selectedDate == “”) { // use == instead of = here. It will check condition alert(“date is not selected”); }else{ alert(selectedDate); } Note:- single = is an assignment operator. It assigns the value to variable. While == checks the condition. You can also write … Read more

[Solved] Can not create dynamic html using ajax call

You need to check the length of the passengers then chose the right colclass like : $.each(data.driver_data, function(key, val) { var pdetails = val.passenger_data; output += ‘<div class=”row”>’; output += ‘<div class=”col-md-4 driver”><div><label class=”header”><b>Driver Details</b></label></div><div><label>Name:</label><span class=”dname”>’ + val.employeename + ‘</span></div><div><label>Vehicle No:</label><span class=”dname”>’ + val.vehicleno + ‘</span></div><div><label>Mobile:</label><span class=”dname”>’ + val.mobilenumber + ‘</span></div></div>’; var colclass=”8″; var pdetails_length … Read more