[Solved] No unchecking for checkboxes whose ids are in the list [closed]

You can simply do: for (let id of [“id1”, “id2”, “id667”]) { $(‘#’ + id).prop(‘disabled’, true); } We are just disabling the given checkboxes here to prevent from being clicked or changed again. Note: for…in should not be used to iterate over an Array where the index order is important. solved No unchecking for checkboxes … Read more

[Solved] Auto email responding

You need to append below code at bottom to send email to the sender as well. // Email to Sender (Without HTML/CSS) $sender_email = $email; $admin_email=”[email protected]”; $message = “Thanks for your interest”.$name.”\n\n”; $message .= “This is just a quick note to let you know we have received your form and will respond as soon as … Read more

[Solved] how to get child tags using each statement?

HTML <svg id=”svgcontent” > <g id=”layer” class=”layer” > </g> <g id=”test1″ > </g> <g id=”test2″></g> <g id=”test2″> </g> <span> JavaScript $(‘#svgcontent g’).each(function () { if($(this).hasClass(‘layer’)) { $(this).remove(); } }); solved how to get child tags using each statement?

[Solved] Binding this? Getting undefined?

The bind is placed wrong. You want to bind this to the event handler function, not to the jQuery collection of objects which are returned from the ‘on’ method. Following sample should work: $(‘#btn’).on(‘click’, function(event){ console.log(this.test); }.bind(this)); However, it’s not very good practice. Better approach could be to reference the this object by some private … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong with the Javascript code? [closed]

You are missing your closing });. You also had two $(document).ready() calls – $(function() {}) is just short hand. Best to invest in a auto formatter and/or run your code through a linter when in doubt – checkout this repo for some karma+grunt magic – https://github.com/karma-runner/grunt-karma. 1 solved What’s wrong with the Javascript code? [closed]

[Solved] jQuery – on click not working for element filtered by dynamic CSS

You selector is incorrect, remove space to convert it to element with class selector. $(“a.SiteDown”).on(‘click’, function(e){ //…. }); As of now its descendant selector. As you are approach when manipulation selector, use Event Delegation using on(). $(document).on(‘click’, “a.SiteDown”, function(e){ //…. }); In place of document you should use closest static container. 3 solved jQuery – … Read more

[Solved] inspecting jquery in chrome [closed]

You can inspect inline scripts in the source tab in the same way. Simply navigate to the html file and you can view the source and place breakpoints as usual. For example, see the inline source script used to make this exploding canvas video! http://i.stack.imgur.com/3UyTG.jpg 2 solved inspecting jquery in chrome [closed]

[Solved] jQuery document.getElementById() issue

I assume you want to grab the value for whatever user inputs. If so, try something like this. var url = document.getElementById(“url-value”).value; getUrlPageContent(url); Keep in mind that you are grabbing whatever is typed into the input. You will need to add some type of validation as well…….. solved jQuery document.getElementById() issue

[Solved] PHP – How do facebook change the facebook/message/username to facebook/message/username2 on the same page? [duplicate]

To add and modify history, use history.pushState() and history.replaceState() methods, respectively. window.history.pushState(‘username2’, ‘Title’, ‘/username2.php’); To know more visit: History API The only way to create single page apps is to use Angular JS. To know more visit: Angular JS 5 solved PHP – How do facebook change the facebook/message/username to facebook/message/username2 on the same page? … Read more

[Solved] How to freeze the screen when popover is displayed in browser? [closed]

When the modal is open, you have to use JS to temporarily add overflow:hidden to the body element (this will remove the scroll bars on the main window and prevent scrolling.) The markup to manage this class toggle on the body has already been answered/provided here: How to disable scrolling temporarily? 2 solved How to … Read more