[Solved] Echo radio button value without using submit button in php

Here is your solution…. <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script>//jQuery Plugin <?php if(!empty($_GET[‘a1’])){ $selected = $_GET[‘a1’];} else{ $selected = ‘home’;} ?> <form action=”” method=”post”> <label> <input type=”radio” name=”a1″ value=”home” /> Home </label></br> <label> <input type=”radio” name=”a1″ value=”site1″ /> Site 1 </label></br> <label> <input type=”radio” name=”a1″ value=”site2″ /> Site 2 </label></br> </form> <span class=”r-text”><?php echo $selected;?></span> <script> $(‘input[type=radio]’).click(function(e) {//jQuery works … Read more

[Solved] How to fix XSS vulnerabilites in javascript files [closed]

If the data is coming from the user and it’s not properly sanitized, both “<div class=”column-title ” + items[bucket][itemsNo – 1][1] + “”>” and “<span>” + bucket + “</span>” are potential XSS attack vectors because the attacker can just insert any HTML they want, including script tags. You can rewrite the code so that it … Read more

[Solved] Can we add muliple document.ready functions in a jsp page with unique API calls inside them?

Yes you can have multiple callback function on document.ready like this $( document ).ready(function() { console.log( “ready!” ); }); $( document ).ready(function() { console.log( “log!” ); }); $( document ).ready(function() { console.log( “status!” ); }); this have nothing to do with your api response but you can not have multiple callback function on window.onload like … Read more

[Solved] How can I insert multiple li items each in a different row in mysql with a single click (jQuery, PHP, SQL) [closed]

You can insert many values into SQL with a single command (though not recommend, use PDO), such as INSERT INTO MyTable ( Column1, Column2 ) VALUES ( Value1, Value2 ), ( Value1, Value2 ) If using jQuery, you can use $.post() to send data to your web server (PHP). Here’s an example: var items = … Read more

[Solved] Javascript: How to randomize images on page load [closed]

Okay, I got an answer with some sites. Not making any changes with my CSS stylesheet and NOT even using database. Here the following codes: <script type=”text/javascript”> if (document.getElementById) { window.onload = swap }; function swap() { var numimages=7; rndimg = new Array(“images/home.jpeg”,”images/home-bg.jpg”,”images/home_1.jpg”); x=(Math.floor(Math.random()*numimages)); randomimage=(rndimg[x]); document.getElementById(“home”).style.backgroundImage = “url(“+ randomimage +”)”; } </script> 4 solved Javascript: … Read more

[Solved] How to give hover effect on the image used in html?

Try this. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .container { position: relative; width: 50%; } .image { content:url(“https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43225489/assets/images/img-1.png”); opacity: 0.8; display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; transition: .5s ease; backface-visibility: hidden; } .container:hover .image { content:url(“https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png”); opacity:2; } </style> </head> <body> <div class=”container”> <img class=”image”> <p>Lorem ipsum dummy text</p> </div> </body> </html> 2 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] jQuery: How to return a value outside a function that contains the ‘this’?

I could be misunderstanding what you’re asking, but couldn’t you just call the other function from within the onSelect event handler? Here’s a JSFiddle showing this in action, which I believe is doing what you need. $(“document”).ready(function() { var timestamp; $(“#startDate”).datepicker({ onSelect: function(e) { var dateAsObject = $(this).datepicker( “getDate” ); timestamp = dateAsObject.getTime(); console.log(“user selected: … Read more

[Solved] Get data from multiple span using jquery

Do it like this $(‘input[type=submit]’).click(function(){ var alldata = “”; $(‘span’).each(function(){ var $span = $(this); var spanTxt = $span.text(); alldata += spanTxt + ” “; }); alert(alldata); }); Here all data has all the spans text Demo Fiddle Here i have used some extra variable for showing current span their text for understanding, you can loose … Read more

[Solved] how to switch between two different texts in jquery..? [closed]

Your question leaves a lot of information to the imagination, but for instance this will swap those two words, once a second, in an element with the id “target”: var target = $(“#target”), word = target.text(); setInterval(function() { word = word === “hello” ? “glad” : “hello”; target.text(word); }, 1000); Live Example | Source Or … Read more

[Solved] how to check if a checkbox has been selected? [closed]

I think you might mean “how to check if at least one checkbox is checked?” <div class=”a_list”><input type=”checkbox” /><p>Testing A list </p></div> <div class=”a_list”><input type=”checkbox” /><p>Testing A list </p></div> <div class=”a_list”><input type=”checkbox” /><p>Testing A list </p></div> <div class=”a_list”><input type=”checkbox” /><p>Testing A list </p></div> if (!$(“.a_list input:checked, .b_list input:checked”).length){ alert(“Please make a selection”); } inputs do … Read more