[Solved] How to check null value in json?

Try this code , var data = { “mname”: [ { “Mname”: “abc”, “pname”: [], “rewards”: null } ] } $.each( data.mname , function( key, value ) { if(value.rewards == null || value.rewards == undefined){ // Add your codes/logic } }); 1 solved How to check null value in json?

[Solved] How to individually increase or decrease a value using jquery

DEMO $(document).ready(function () { $(“.quantity-adder .add-action”).click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass(‘add-up’)) { var text = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find(“[name=quantity]”, ‘.quantity-adder’) text.val(parseInt(text.val()) + 1); } else { var text = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find(“[name=quantity]”, ‘.quantity-adder’) if (parseInt(text.val()) > 1) { text.val(parseInt(text.val()) – 1); } } }); }); I added the .parent() so that then find the proper text to increase 7 solved How … Read more

[Solved] How to make your checkbox work with your Jquery functionality?

You want to initiate the download if at least two checkboxes are checked? In that case, try using this: $(document).ready(function() { $(“#download”).click(function() { var count = 0; if ($(‘#temperature’).prop(‘checked’)) count++; if ($(‘#illuminance’).prop(‘checked’)) count++; if ($(‘#button-state’).prop(‘checked’)) count++; if (count > 1) { window.location.href=”https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/899906/feeds.csv?start=2019-11-12%2019:11:12&end=2019-11-13%2019:11:13″; } }); }); 2 solved How to make your checkbox work with your … Read more

[Solved] Pick the first letter and put it above the content group

Fairly simple with jQuery – see the code comments for explanation. // shorthand for on document load $(function() { // a variable to store our current first letter var currentFirstLetter; // for every child of mylist $(‘.mylist’).children().each(function() { // take the first character of its content var thisLetter = $(this)[0].innerHTML.substr(0,1).toLowerCase(); // if its different to … Read more

[Solved] Getting the count of unique values for elements with regex in datatable

Here are 3 versions ES6 with fat arrows ES2015 with function Legacy JS which should run from IE8 or so const uniqueCount = […document.querySelectorAll(“td[id^=invNumbers]”)] .reduce((acc, cur) => { const val = cur.textContent; if (!acc.includes(val)) acc.push(val); return acc; }, []).length; console.log(uniqueCount) // no fat arrows => const uniqueCount1 = […document.querySelectorAll(“td[id^=invNumbers]”)] .reduce(function(acc, cur) { const val = … Read more

[Solved] JS selector on click not working for django model generated content [duplicate]

Your first code will also work if the element you reference is part of the document at that time, so make sure to put the script near the end of the document, or else wrap it in the ready handler: $(function () { $(‘#delete-btn’).on(‘click’, function(){ return confirm(‘Are you sure you want to delete this?’); }); … Read more

[Solved] How do I retrieve the actual string selector

Answer for updated question: How do I retrieve the actual “select#mysel” from the var mysel? example of how this might be used? var mysel = $(“select#mysel”); var myopt = $(mysel.actualstringselection + ” option”); So basically, you want the original selector string that you passed into $() in order to get mysel. You can’t get that. … Read more

[Solved] Change DIV Image Style with Javascript

I think it’s much better if you use classes for this purpose. Please, try this solution: <style> .img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; width: auto; height: auto; } .changesize { max-width: 40%; max-height: 40%; } </style> <div id=”win” class=”img”>xyz</div> <script> document.getElementById(“win”).className = “changesize”; </script> Hope it helps. solved Change DIV Image Style with Javascript

[Solved] Does AngularJS have any weakness (compared to JQuery)? [closed]

First, you should must know about framework vs library, Framework: Which describes how to show your code. Its like a code-template having MVC or MVVM architecture. Examples, “AngularJS”, “Backbone”, “requireJS”, “socketIO”. Library: Its like a toolkit and/or a single file having all the utility functions which can be used to play with your DOM elements … Read more

[Solved] send mail form not sending mail

You need some server side code to send the mail. Just having a form doesn’t do anything for you So to send it on that click: $(‘#sendMessage’).click(function(e) { var $form = $(‘#tellafriend_form’); $.post($form.get(0).action, $form.serialize(), function(data){ //something on success }) $(“#tellfriend”).fadeToggle(‘fast’); }); 9 solved send mail form not sending mail