[Solved] Repost/ asking again. Change event in Kartik’s bootstrap-slider extension for Yii2

You should always keep your console or developer bar open when working with javascript, you never know when something conflicts with the other. You need to use parseInt() to pass a value to the setValue function of the slider, it is interpreting it as text, otherwise, it throws Uncaught Error: Invalid input value ‘1’ passed … Read more

[Solved] How to make page loaders/animations/transitions

I go about it by providing different states for your page (eg. loading, loaded, and error). And passing in a status parameter, then using css to add a display: none class to it. (the hide class is display: none) function setStatus(status) { document.getElementById(“loading”).classList.add(“hide”); document.getElementById(“contents”).classList.add(“hide”); if (status == “loaded”) { document.getElementById(“contents”).classList.remove(“hide”); } if (status == “loading”) … Read more

[Solved] How to do the same in JavaScript? [closed]

If you want Vanilla JavaScript solution you can try this: function startCalc() { var root = document.documentElement || document.body; root.addEventListener(‘blur’, function(e) { var node = e.target; if (node.nodeName == ‘input’ && node.getAttribute(‘type’) == ‘text’) { var imekontrolebase = node.getAttribute(‘id’); var ime = imekontrolebase.substr(12, imekontrolebase.length); var n = ime.indexOf(“_”); var red = ime.substr(n+1); var imekol1 = … Read more

[Solved] jQuery retrieve elements from nested classes

You can use .find from that class: $(“div.ThirdRowBanner”).find(“img”).each(function() { console.log($(this).attr(“title”)); console.log($(this).attr(“src”)); console.log($(this).attr(“alt”)); }); 0 solved jQuery retrieve elements from nested classes

[Solved] I want to add / remove class on lable tag [duplicate]

Change javascript as per below $(‘.lable_item input[type=”checkbox”]’).click(function(){ if(!$(this).is(‘:checked’)){ $(this).parent(‘.lable_item’).addClass(‘label_act’); }else{ $(this).parent(‘.lable_item’).removeClass(‘label_act’); } }); change HTML As per below. It’s working. <div class=”layout”> <label class=”lable_item” for=”c1″><input type=”checkbox” id=”c1″ />label</label> <label class=”lable_item label_act” for=”c2″><input type=”checkbox” id=”c2″ />label</label> <label class=”lable_item” for=”c3″><input type=”checkbox” id=”c3″ />label</label> </div> solved I want to add / remove class on lable tag [duplicate]

[Solved] JS condition change class

You need just innerHTML/innerText method and set of conditions. No jQuery needed. var el = document.getElementById(‘polIndice’); var val = parseInt(el.innerText); var class_name; if (val < 50) { class_name=”indiceLow”; } else if (val < 100) { class_name=”indiceMedium”; } else { class_name=”indiceHigh”; } el.className += ‘ ‘ + class_name; http://jsfiddle.net/hyuu5w5z/ 1 solved JS condition change class

[Solved] replace href value in dom variable [duplicate]

If i understand you correctly, you need this: var re = /(#table\d+)|\((\w{1,2})(\))/g; var str=”<p id=”para”>&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo<a href=”#table1(t1)” id=”ytD2F”>table1</a> test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo <a href=”#table2(t2)” id=”ytD2F”>table2</a>&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo … Read more

[Solved] Masking inputs any field and values

if your output is acceptable on other field, this might be useful $(“#input”).on(“keyup”, function() { var input = $(this).val().split(“”) var res = $.map(input, (el, ix) => { return ix < 2 || ix > input.length – 3? el:”*” }) $(“#output”).html(res.join(“”)); }) <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <input type=”password” id=”input” /> <br><span id=”output”></span> 1 solved Masking inputs any field … Read more