[Solved] What is a javascript MVC framework [closed]

The MVC pattern can be used in an n-tier architecture to design the presentation tier, with the new JavaScript-based UI, the presentation tier can now be implemented exclusively in JavaScript so that’s an example of why one would need a MVC JavaScript framework. In this article from Microsoft pattern & practices, they talk about using … Read more

[Solved] Take screenshot via PHP and Javascript

Lots of such screen capture web service here: What’s the best website screenshot capture API? But instead of doing that by yourself, I think you should go with those many public link-shortening service, like t.co, because anti-malicious is already one of their purpose: Having a link shortener protects users from malicious sites that engage in … Read more

[Solved] How can I give my arrow direction and arrow color in asp.net coolgrid based on information from database?

Try: <span id=”sptrend” runat=”server” class=”<%# String.Format((“{0}{1}”), Eval(“OverallStatusCdClass”), Eval(“OverallTrendCdClass “))%>”></span> if you must inclue ‘arrow‘ or any other string other than in the DB that is hard coded then you can alter String.Format((“{0}{1}”), to be String.Format((“arrow {0}{1}”) Note: I assume that your span is in a databound control.. SELECT OverallStatusCd, OverallTrendCd, CASE WHEN OverallStatusCd = ‘Up’ … Read more

[Solved] Bootstrap 4 Carousel Show 2 Slides Advance 1 [closed]

It is working as expected (one at a time) but because the images are all the same it’s hard to see. Try with different images like this… https://www.bootply.com/9YTnuqUPMs To make the animation more Bootstrap 4 friendly, override the transitions like this… .carousel-inner .carousel-item-left.active { transform: translateX(-50%); } .carousel-inner .carousel-item-right.active { transform: translateX(50%); } .carousel-inner .carousel-item-next … Read more

[Solved] JQuery Toggle()

<a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12033712/javascript:void(0)” onClick=”random_script(‘#somediv’,1000);”>Show Results?</a> <div id=”somediv” style=”display:none;”></div> Alternative with JQuery (jsfiddle): <script type=”text/javascript”> ​$(‘.showResult’)​.click(function (){ $(this).next(‘.result’).toggle(); });​​​​​​ </script> <style> ​.result { display: none; }​ </style> <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12033712/javascript:void(0)” class=”showResult”>Show Results?</a> <div class=”result”>Some Result​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​</div>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 4 solved JQuery Toggle()

[Solved] From jQuery to vanilla javascript

NOTE: I had to downgrade the jQuery to match the tocify What is the point of rewriting jQuery when you are still dependent on jQuery? Findings so far without having access to the HTML The jQuery also does not work – .size has been removed in jQuery 3.0. Use the .length property instead. translates to … Read more

[Solved] Bootstrap javascript for a webpage [closed]

Sure thing, that is the definition of the Bootstap, and your question really just wants the answer (definition) of the term Bootstrap, so a simple google for What is Bootstrap would yield the same answer. It really is a set of HTML, CSS, JS, sometimes Images, but that’s just to make sure that there UI … Read more

[Solved] `$(“non_existing_element”);` returns `[ ]` in Console but `ReferenceError` when called as a variable in Console [closed]

30 90 seconds about variable scoping $(document).ready(function(){ var someVar = $(“non_existing_element”); }); At this point, someVar does, in fact equal []. So if you were to write: $(document).ready(function(){ var someVar = $(“non_existing_element”); console.log(“the value of someVar is”, someVar); }); You would see in your console The value of someVar is [] Hooray! But! As soon … Read more

[Solved] Check which ASP.NET was clicked

You must split the code in 2 different parts: one that executes and after is done pops up a confirmation dialog, and a second part where you submit the form to execute the remaining piece. You can’t do this in one shot because you can’t have server-side code execute, pop up a confirm dialog on … Read more

[Solved] validation for two select box using array [closed]

one way using jQuery function validate(){ var key = $(“#select-key”).val(), val = $(“#select-value”).val(); return key in a && a[key] == val; } Assuming a is your array and your select boxes have the IDs select-key and select-value respectively. Hope this helps. solved validation for two select box using array [closed]

[Solved] How to pass data from javascript to php [closed]

jQuery includes a library that makes ajax calls very simple, example below: $(document).ready(function() { $(‘#example-2’).ratings(5).bind(‘ratingchanged’, function(event, data) { $(‘#example-rating’).text(data.rating); $.ajax({ url : ‘page.php’, type : ‘POST’, data : { rating : data.rating }, success : function(response){ console.log(“successfull”); } }); }); }); On the PHP side, you can pick it up with: if($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD’] == ‘POST’) { … Read more

[Solved] Progress Bar text

Use the CSS ::after selector and attr() function for this. The ::after selector appends text to the end of the element, while attr() returns the value of a given attribute. function update_progressbar() { var opt1 = parseInt($(‘option:selected’, $(‘#FirstQOne’)).val()); var opt2 = parseInt($(‘option:selected’, $(‘#FirstQTwo’)).val()); var opt3 = parseInt($(‘option:selected’, $(‘#FirstQThree’)).val()); var opt4 = parseInt($(‘option:selected’, $(‘#FirstQFour’)).val()); var opt5 … Read more

[Solved] how to combine regex in jquery?

Well it depends, for instance if you want to test with an OR operator, this would be something like this : var mergedRegex = /^(([7-9])[0-9]{9}|(0)[7-9][0-9]{9}|(\+91)[7-9][0-9]{9})$/; If you want with an AND operator, try this instead : var mergedRegex = /^(?=([7-9])[0-9]{9})(?=(0)[7-9][0-9]{9})(?=\+91)[7-9][0-9]{9})$/; solved how to combine regex in jquery?