[Solved] php to javaScript

Try this… You can use jquery ajax to pass values to php page and get output from ajax success. $.ajax({ type: “POST”, url: “ajax.php”, data: {from:from,to:to}, success: function(data){ alert(data); //you can get output form ajax.php, what you expected. } }); ajax.php <?php $from = $_POST[‘from’]; $to = $_POST[‘to’]; $url=”http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?e=.csv&f=sl1d1t1&s=”. $from . $to .’=X’; $handle = … Read more

[Solved] jquery ajax isn’t working

First your URL is not correct. Instead of user_id=id in your URL you have to use a actual value for id (id is just placeholder in your case). For example: user_id=82193320 which would give you the data for my twitter user (uwe_guenther) back. You can easily lookup twitter ids here: http://mytwitterid.com/ If you just want … Read more

[Solved] How to grey out part of a form? [closed]

Thanks for improving your question. One approach you could take is to add a class to each professor option which indicates which majorID it’s associated with like this: <div class=”form-div”> <h3><label for=”prof”> Then Select Professor: </label> <br></h3> <select class=”form-input” id=”prof” name=”prof”> <?php foreach ($professors as $prof) { ?> <option class=”major-<?php echo $prof[‘majorID’]; ?>” value=”<?php echo … Read more

[Solved] Back to the form with back button

It is default browser functionality ,you can change the setting using PHP only. You can use these syntax in your PHP config file before the session start: <?php session_cache_limiter (‘private, must-revalidate’); $cache_limiter = session_cache_limiter(); session_cache_expire(60); // in minutes ?> Now it will be not ask to re-submission the form. 0 solved Back to the form … Read more

[Solved] display json response from ajax call in html table

You need to iterate on items object as array is insde items object: $.each(json.items,function(index,item){ console.log(item); tr = $(‘<tr/>’); tr.append(“<td><h3>” + item.name + “</h3><p><strong>” + item.productNo + “</strong></p><div>” + item.leaseOrNot + “</div></td>”); tr.append(“<td>” + item.commerceItemQty + “</td>”); tr.append(“<td>” +item.price + “</td>”); $(‘table’).append(tr); }) FIDDLE DEMO 3 solved display json response from ajax call in html table

[Solved] Count the number of current posts in Div

Your posts are in ul list. you need to count the length of the li‘s under this ul#postlist [assuming that each li is a post] <ul data-filter=”true” data-filter-placeholder=”Search blog posts…” id=”postlist”> </ul><!– content –> Change your $(‘#postlist’) var currentPost = $(‘#postlist’); with var currentPost = $(‘#postlist li’); $(‘#postlist li’) is what you are looking for, … Read more

[Solved] Problems reloading fields in a form [closed]

That happens because the script that sets up the datepicker <script src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35529308/data:text/javascript,(function(%24)%7B%24(%22.datepicker%22).datepicker(%7BshowButtonPanel%3Atrue%2CdateFormat%3A%22dd%2Fmm%2Fyy%22%7D)%3B%7D)(jQuery)%3B” type=”text/javascript”>(function($){$(“.datepicker”).datepicker({showButtonPanel:true,dateFormat:”dd/mm/yy”});})(jQuery);</script> which in the home page is just after the form, is missing in the second page. solved Problems reloading fields in a form [closed]

[Solved] Using JFactory::getDocument in Joomla 3.0 with jQuery

Try using the following: <?php $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $js=” (function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ $(“a”).click(function(event){ alert(“As you can see, the link no longer took you to jquery.com”); event.preventDefault(); }); }); })(jQuery);”; $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); ?> Hope this helps 1 solved Using JFactory::getDocument in Joomla 3.0 with jQuery

[Solved] Get last 6 months from in Jquery

Javascript style for this piece of code (jQuery not required) : var now = new Date(); var sixMonthsFromNow = new Date(now.setMonth(now.getMonth() – 6)); var sortByQueryString = ‘&fq=lastmodified:[‘ + sixMonthsFromNow.toISOString() + ‘+TO+NOW]’; // &fq=lastmodified:[2013-11-27T08:57:10.089Z+TO+NOW] 1 solved Get last 6 months from in Jquery

[Solved] I have a list of names as , clicking on the name should save it to local storage… code attached [closed]

Try Html <ul class=”namelist”> <li>Liam</li> <li>Noah</li> <li>William</li> <li>James</li> <li>Oliver</li> <li>Benjamin</li> <li>Elijah</li> <li>Lucas</li> </ul> <div id=”divShow”> </div> Jquery <script> $(‘.namelist li’).click(e=>{ localStorage.setItem($(e.currentTarget).text(), $(e.currentTarget).text()); $(‘#divShow’).append(‘<p>’+$(e.currentTarget).text()+'</p>’); }); </script> 3 solved I have a list of names as , clicking on the name should save it to local storage… code attached [closed]

[Solved] Event when onblur input jquery

The solution I’ve found : $(“#address”).on(‘blur focus’, function() { if (this.value==”) { $(‘#button_submit’).css(‘display’, ‘none’); } }); http://jsfiddle.net/np1wkh9p/17/ solved Event when onblur input jquery