[Solved] Bypassing cross origin policy using JQuery/javascript with no access to remote server

If you don’t wanna install PHP to do this, why did you tag with php? You need to use a Server Side Script like Proxy PHP file, that reads the content and executes it correctly. Proxy.php: <?php header(“Content-type: application/json”); die(file_get_contents($_GET[“url”])); ?> And call it like this: url: “proxy.php?url=http://gov.uk/blah/blah” solved Bypassing cross origin policy using JQuery/javascript … Read more

[Solved] javascript get the current class number [closed]

Its Very Simple: Just Use .html() , .index() , .text() with the selector Like This Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PzWxs/5/ Here is the Code : var currentClassValue = $(‘li.current’).html(); alert(currentClassValue); OR var currentClassValue = $(‘li.current’).index(); alert(currentClassValue); OR var currentClassValue = $(‘li.current’).text(); alert(currentClassValue); Use any one of the above you like 🙂 5 solved javascript get the current class … Read more

[Solved] Which is fastest? closest() vs manual traversing in jQuery [closed]

These do different things. .closest(‘.DivB’) will traverse the DOM tree up until it finds an element that matches the selector (probably none). .parent().next() will do what it looks like it will do, find the parent then its next sibling. What you want is .closest(‘td’).find(‘.DivB’) and don’t worry about micro-optimizations. It won’t break when the DOM … Read more

[Solved] What language should i use for dynamic client side and server side form validation? [closed]

Easiest option for me, is to learn PHP for server-side validation. If you want to add client-side validation (which is not a “MUST”, but is a “PLUS”), you can use Javascript. Avoid using Ajax, jQuery or any kind of advanced libraries and functionalities until you get a basic understanding of what happens where. 4 solved … Read more

[Solved] Block your website to be visible on phones

Thank god not much people know about weinre. You can use @media queries to detect the screen size and remove the contents accordingly. @media (max-device-width: 1024) { body { display: none; } } The max-device-width works only on devices and not on desktops. This is a way of doing using CSS. In JavaScript, well, I … Read more

[Solved] How to start a video when clicking an image [closed]

You should do this with HTML. <video controls poster=”/images/the-image-to-show.png”> <source src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35650099/movie.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″> <source src=”movie.ogg” type=”video/ogg”> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> This will do the job just fine. Remember, “controls” gives you the default video controls. Play/pause/sound etc 2 solved How to start a video when clicking an image [closed]

[Solved] How to get the slider to move back to its original position if a tab is not selected [closed]

Are you trying to do something like this? $(“.item”).on( “mouseout”,function(){ $(“#slider”).stop(); $(“#slider”).animate({“left”:$(‘#red’).position().left+”px”,”width”:$(‘#red’).width()+”px”},500); }); 15 solved How to get the slider to move back to its original position if a tab is not selected [closed]

[Solved] PHP form does not submit [closed]

Put the script after the form tag. It searches dateForm id and until that no form is in the output so it does nothing. When you place that after it, it’ll search the page for that id and it finds that and submits. <?Php if($something):?> <form id=”dateForm” action=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr” method=”POST”> <input type=”hidden” name=”test” value=”test”> <input type=”hidden” … Read more

[Solved] Element’s opacity change when scrolled on point [closed]

#header:hover { opacity:1; } //CSS for mouse over #header // javascript var head = document.getElementById(“header”); if (document.body.scrollTop > 400) head.setAttribute(“style”,”opacity:0.5; -moz-opacity:0.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50)”); else head.setAttribute(“style”,”opacity:1; -moz-opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100)”); 0 solved Element’s opacity change when scrolled on point [closed]

[Solved] Strange fixed positioning not working

The arrows are inside a container, so they are fixed inside this container. The scrollbar that shows up belongs to this container (not to the body), so the arrows scroll with it. Move the arrows outside of div.scroll and they should be fixed relative to the viewport. solved Strange fixed positioning not working