[Solved] First child does not work with my selector

That is because first-child(2) is not a function so it will give an error. It should be: $(‘dd:first-child, dd:eq(1)’).remove(); or $(‘dd:eq(0), dd:eq(1)’).remove(); or $(‘dd:nth-child(1), dd:nth-child(2)’).remove(); This might also work: $(‘dd:lt(2)’).remove(); lt selector Fiddle for lt(2) Edit: To delete the <br> you can do: $(‘dd br:lt(2)’).remove(); 3 solved First child does not work with my selector

[Solved] Group checkboxes in JSFiddle: Part2 [closed]

Register a callback which will check whether all the checkboxes in the current group is checked or not $(‘input[id^=checkall]’).click(function(){ $(this).closest(‘fieldset’).find(‘input’).not(this).prop(‘checked’,this.checked); }); $(‘:checkbox’).not(‘[id^=checkall]’).click(function(){ var all = $(this).closest(‘fieldset’).find(‘[id^=checkall]’); var chks = $(this).closest(‘fieldset’).find(‘input’).not(all); all.prop(‘checked’, chks.length == chks.filter(‘:checked’).length); }) Demo: Fiddle solved Group checkboxes in JSFiddle: Part2 [closed]

[Solved] $.on(“click”, function() | does not click. Element is dynamically generated [duplicate]

Use event delegation: $(document).on(‘click’, ‘.edit’, function(){ //function to edit tasks alert(“The check was clicked.”); }); var c = $(‘#c’); $(‘#add’).on(‘click’, function(){ c.append(‘<span class=”edit”><i class=”fa fa-pencil” aria-hidden=”true”></i> Hello</span>’); }); $(document).on(‘click’, ‘.edit’, function(){ //function to edit tasks alert(“The check was clicked.”); }); div { margin-top:10px; } .edit { width:25px; height:25px; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px; background:#000; color:#fff; … Read more

[Solved] i want the typewriter effect like the website i have given link [closed]

i think you are searching jquery plugin like this http://www.mattboldt.com/demos/typed-js/ here is another few plugins you might help http://www.jqueryrain.com/?Rz1vxvW8 http://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Simple-Text-Typing-Effect-with-jQuery/ http://lea.verou.me/2011/09/pure-css3-typing-animation-with-steps/ i think this is you search this same as you search try download http://www.jqueryscript.net/text/Terminal-like-Text-Typing-Effect-with-jQuery-Teletype.html solved i want the typewriter effect like the website i have given link [closed]

[Solved] ruby on rails 4/jquery/javascript: button only works after page reload

Line 433 of http://new.mapmill.org:3000/assets/sites.js $(‘#upload_more’).click(function() { return window.location.href=”https://stackoverflow.com/sites/” + $(‘#site_id’).val() + “/upload”; }); You are binding the event handler on DOM ready, but your page content is loaded dynamically. So at the time you binding the event, $(‘#upload_more’) doesn’t even exist in the DOM. In my experences this is commonly happened when someone is developing … Read more

[Solved] Is the code “ dangerous? [closed]

That’s how you would incorporate a JavaScript file with the filename show.js. JavaScript is an essential part of most websites and required for any interactivity (aside from standard hyperlinks and forms). Open the show.js file in a text editor to see what the script does. 7 solved Is the code “ dangerous? [closed]

[Solved] join 2 same almost same function into 1 [closed]

I’m guessing you want to call two functions on onchange. Try this: newcell.childNodes[0].setAttribute(“onchange”,function(){ showUser(this.value,”+xx+”); secondFunction(); }); or since you tagged this jQuery, do it the jQuery way: $(newcell.childNodes[0]).change(function(){ showUser(this.value,”+xx+”); secondFunction(); }); 1 solved join 2 same almost same function into 1 [closed]

[Solved] Jquery effect works on only the first id

Use class attribute as id should be unique for every element. id represents only one element that’s why it should be unique. So when you apply selector it only selects the first element that it founds on the page. do like this: <div class=”accordionSlide”> <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/solutions/wireless-remote-monitoring/index.html”>Wireless Remote Monitoring</a> </div> and jquery: var allPanels = $(‘.accordionSlide’); … Read more

[Solved] append dropdown box selections to a textbox [closed]

To achieve this, you would have to create a function that gathers all the values then formats them in the way you want. An example of this would be: function generate(){ var result=””; result += document.getElementById(‘drop1’).value + ‘ – ‘; result += document.getElementById(‘drop2’).value + ‘ – ‘; result += document.getElementById(‘drop3’).value + ‘ – ‘; result … Read more