[Solved] What does /*[[${}]]*/ means in JavaScript?

▶ 1st Question: Everything inside /* */ is considered a comment in JavaScript, PHP, CSS and most likely more languages that I’m not aware of. There are some programs, however, that use the content inside comments, if it’s appropriate, to turn on/off settings, such as JSLint and even Stack Overflow’s snippets. ▶ 2nd Question: Instead … Read more

[Solved] Return checked checkboxes when user retrieves the form (Coldfusion) [closed]

I like to use cfparam in these case like above. <cfparam name=”form.delegations” value=”#yourQuery.columnname#” /> And in HTML: <input type=”checkbox” name=”delegations” id=”SR1″ value=”0″ <cfif listFind(form.delegations,0)>checked</cfif> /> Please note, in your database the value will be a list of values from checkboxes delegations. 1 solved Return checked checkboxes when user retrieves the form (Coldfusion) [closed]

[Solved] How to parse Json response inside square brackets?

Just like you’d traverse any other array. Simply, instead of having their properties stored under property names in a map, the objects that make up this array have their properties stored under given indexes in an array. theJsonObject.rows.forEach( function(row) { var url = row[0]; var n = row[1]; do stuff with url and n… }); … Read more

[Solved] Why isn’t this function working right?

The code itself in your first attempt works, apart from the last line. Right now you just return the first date and ignore the second one and the combined string of dates. I expect you intended to return the string which shows both dates. return both; should solve your problem. Demo: function todaysDate() { var … Read more

[Solved] Need help replicating a little bit of JavaScript

I’m not sure I entirely understand the question, I think you could just do this: <SCRIPT> function passWord() { var testV = 1; var pass1 = prompt(‘Enter Store Code Here’,’ ‘); while (testV < 3) { if (!pass1) history.go(-1); if (pass1.toUpperCase() == “CUSTOMPASSWORD1234”) { alert(‘You are being redirected!’); window.open(‘CUSTOMPASSWORD1234.html’); break; } else if (pass1.toUpperCase() == … Read more

[Solved] How may I get the element attributes (text, id, class and so on..) of the current tab, out of a mouse click, from a chrome extension?

In your content.js, write the following code- $(window).click(function(event) { console.log(“Click event: “, event); }); Content scripts are files that run in the context of web pages. By using the standard Document Object Model (DOM), they are able to read details of the web pages the browser visits, make changes to them and pass information to … Read more

[Solved] understanding JavaScript classes and objects [closed]

You are defining an object literal to be used as namespaces. Sometimes you want to group your functions and objects in logical groups like an url but in reverse. For example: com.myCompany.myApplication.Dom com.myCompany.myApplication.Validators Where Dom does dom stuff and Validators do validation. You can’t just define com.myCompany.myApplication.Dom because window.com is undefined and you can’t add … Read more

[Solved] how to show only child element with php? [closed]

read interested page to string (file_get_contents, curl ) or DOMdocument / SimpleXML find interesting information in string (by RegEx or substring search) or in DOMdocument / SimpleXML (special function in DOMdocument / SimpleXML class), echo it edit: If you like jQuery you can use phpQuery edit: For bbc.com/news you can read RSS http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml – it … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript object search and get all possible nodes

You could try and solve this with recursive function calls function parse(string, key, before) { return before+key+”:”+string; } function findString(string, json, before) { var results = []; for (var key in json) { if (typeof(json[key]) === “string”) { // it is a string if (json[key].contains(string)) { // it contains what it needs to results.push(parse(string, key, … Read more