[Solved] Javascript/jQuery: search within object

HTML <div class=”days”> <input id=”dayMonday” name=”days-select” type=”radio” value=”Mon”> <label for=”dayMonday”>Monday</label> <br> <input id=”dayTuesday” name=”days-select” type=”radio” value=”Tue”> <label for=”dayTuesday”>Tuesday</label> </div> script $(document).ready(function () { //your .days selector is actually getting the div and not the radio button var div = $(‘.days’); //maybe here you want to do some things with the div… //… var radiobtn = … Read more

[Solved] javascript variable > than number

If your goal is to find all matching divs, you have to do a bit more work. Not a lot, but a bit: var w = 1600; var h = 1063; // Find all divs and filter them var matchingDivs = $(“div”).filter(function() { // Does this div’s text match the form (1601 x 1064)? // … Read more

[Solved] Amend img src using jQuery [closed]

Check out this jsfiddle: <img src=”https://stackoverflow.com/uploads/lorem_m_1-375×349.png”> <img src=”/uploads/ipsum_m_1-248×378.png”> <img src=”/uploads/dolor_m_1-392×298.png”> $(‘img’).each(function() { var src = $(this).attr(‘src’); $(this).attr(‘src’,replaceNumbers(src)); //console.log($(this).attr(‘src’)); }); function replaceNumbers(str) { var regex = /-\d+x\d+/; return str.replace(regex,”); } replaceNumbers() simply takes a string (in this case, your image source) and replaces the ‘-00×00’ with empty string. Then, it returns that string, and in the … Read more

[Solved] Create an URL that contains informations to center the map present on the site linked [closed]

What kind of solution? Google Maps API How? You should read well the Google Maps API documentation which is extensive and packed with code samples. Now, in a nutshell, your map needs to know some basic information which you MUST provide, that information is geographical location which comes in latitudes and longitudes. Then you must … Read more

[Solved] jQuery how to disable event handle

Remove hash from <li id=’#myElement’>. Correct syntax is : <li id=’myElement’> $(‘#myElement’).on(“click”, function() {… Then $(‘#myElement’).off(“click”) // or $(‘#myElement’).css(‘pointer-events’, ‘none’); will both work (but not ‘pointer-evenet’)… Demonstration : $(‘#myElement’).on(“click”, function() { alert(‘Hello world’); }); $(‘#myElement’).css(‘pointer-events’, ‘none’); // or : // $(‘#myElement’).off(“click”); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <li id=’myElement’> <a href=”#”>Click here</a> (nothing should happen) </li> solved jQuery how … Read more

[Solved] What is the node.js and its purpose? [duplicate]

Node.js is a platform for the JavaScript language that is centered around asynchronous network programming. It contains a set of libraries to help you develop server-side applications with JavaScript Under the hood, Node.js is running on V8, a JavaScript engine developed by Google. Hope this helps. 1 solved What is the node.js and its purpose? … Read more

[Solved] How to map an object as per key and value using JavaScript?

You could take an array for the wanted groups and related keys and take an iterative and recursive approach. var data = [{ _id: “5c407834953d7f420d56f866”, allocated_to: “FIELD”, zone: “NORTH”, state: “DELHI”, location: “NEW DELHI”, customer_name: “REET INFOTECH”, bank_name_of_customer: “YES BANK”, cl_contract_id: “LAI-00016881”, lk_loan_account_id: “LK0000015094”, front_end_manager_name: “SONAL”, area_collection_manager: “ASHIS JENA”, installment_date: “”, collection_manager: “” }, { … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to use html buttons to add text or number values to an input field using javascript [closed]

This help you : <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <input id=”text” type=”text”><br> <button id=”seven” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>7</button> <button id=”eight” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>8</button> <button id=”nine” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>9</button> <br> <button id=”four” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>4</button> <button id=”five” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>5</button> <button id=”six” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>6</button> <br> <button id=”one” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>1</button> <button id=”two” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>2</button> <button id=”three” type=”button” onclick=writeNumbers(this)>3</button> <br> <button id=”cancel” type=”button” onclick=c()>C</button> … Read more

[Solved] Trying to create a simple sum calculator

1) You can’t have a comma separated list of numbers in a number type input (at least in modern browsers), it has to be type=”text 2) Your onclick=”Sum()” is using a capitalized S, it should be onclick=”sum()” 3) You have no div with the ID sum, so your output never shows. New markup: <input id=”numb” … Read more