[Solved] heap sort may be considered as insertion sort or selection sort done on a heap data structure instead of a list? Which one will it be?

heap sort may be considered as insertion sort or selection sort done on a heap data structure instead of a list? Which one will it be? solved heap sort may be considered as insertion sort or selection sort done on a heap data structure instead of a list? Which one will it be?

[Solved] Heap Sort array

PriorityQueue<Integer> pQueue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(); This line creates a priority queue of Integers. A priority queue stores a “sorted” list of items (in your case Integers). When you add an int to pQueue ,it is places the value in the correct position. E.g if I add numbers 1, 10 and 5 in this order to … Read more

[Solved] Heap Sort doesn’t work properly

In the comments, you mention that you’re using array indexes in the interval 1..N for an array of size N+1, but the size you pass in is N+1. If that’s true, you have an off-by-one error in max-heapify(): if size is N+1, the last position you can access is N, not N+1, so you must … Read more