[Solved] Compile error when using FFMPEG library

A lowercase -l is a linker option used to specify libraries. They might look like libsomething.a and becomes -lsomething in the linker invocation. In order to add a directory to the header search path, use a capital i, -I. gcc main.c -L/some/path/ffmpeg_build/lib -I/some/path/ffmpeg_build/include 1 solved Compile error when using FFMPEG library

[Solved] Decrementing a pointer with an unsigned “negative” number

[Edit] This is the answer to a previous version of the question, which showed the problem in action when calling these functions with argument dist==1 -(unsigned long)1 is well-defined and wraps around. It’s just ULONG_MAX. For the same reason, -(unsigned int) is UINT_MAX. Pointer arithmetic outside array bounds causes Undefined Behavior, so it’s perfectly reasonable … Read more

[Solved] Copying to std::chrono::milliseconds with memcpy() gives error -Werror=class-memaccess [closed]

The safer way to implement this that doesn’t rely on knowing the internal layout of std::chrono::duration would be to copy to an integer then pass the integer to the duration: std::array<unsigned char, 6> myArray = {123, 123, 112, 0, 15}; int64_t milliseconds = 0; memcpy(&milliseconds, &myArray, 5); std::chrono::milliseconds dest{milliseconds}; 3 solved Copying to std::chrono::milliseconds with … Read more

[Solved] How come when I try to compile my C program by making a file named for the program it creates an application for it?

It is normal for the compiler to generate an application! What is surprising is the location for the executable, it should have been generated in the parent directory: C:\TDM-GCC-64\> gcc Chess/chess.c Chess/init.c -o chess The explanation is interesting: You are using the Windows operating system, where the filenames are case insensitive. You instructed gcc to … Read more

[Solved] Should C compilers immediately free “further unused” memories? [closed]

I don’t know where you get your analysis from. Most parts like the abstract syntax tree is kept because it is used in all different passes. It might be that some, especially simple compilers don’t free stuff because it’s not considered necessary for a C compiler. It’s a one shot compilation unit operation and than … Read more

[Solved] Gcc/G++ doesn’t give correct results when compiling more than 3 times

Ok, i figured it out. Thanks @TartanLlama for the last comment it makes total sense. So the “core error” (the thing that i wanted to know) was in here: float /* */ soma_transmissor, soma_recetor; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ soma_transmissor+=distobj[i]; /* */ } for(i=n-1,k=n;i>=0;i–){ soma_recetor+=distobj[i+1]; /* */ } I just needed to inicialize soma_transmissor and soma_recetor. Now if anyone … Read more

[Solved] How is shellcode generated from C? – With code example

The problem with creating shellcode from C programs is not that you cannot control the assembly generated, nor something related with the code generation. The problem with creating shellcode from C programs is symbols resolution or relocation, call it whatever you like. You approach, for what I have understand, is right, you are just using … Read more

[Solved] c-behaviour of printf(“%d”, ) [duplicate]

printf is unusual in that it has no single function signature. In other words, there’s no mechanism to automatically take the actual arguments you pass and convert them into the type that’s expected. Whatever you try to pass, gets passed. If the type you pass does not match the type expected by the corresponding format … Read more