[Solved] why do these sounds make a dog unhappy?

This question is not at the right place (and down-voted) but for your information you may take a look on Frequency Range of Dog Hearing where you can read that: Humans can hear sounds approximately within the frequencies of 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz […] The frequency range of dog hearing is approximately 40 Hz … Read more

[Solved] Words, sorted by frequency, in a book (.txt file)

if you want to write it in a sorted manner you can do this. from collections import Counter wordlist = open(‘so.py’, ‘r’).read().split() word_counts = Counter(wordlist) write_file = open(‘wordfreq.txt’, ‘w’) for w, c in sorted(word_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): write_file.write(‘{w}, {c}\n’.format(w=w, c=c)) solved Words, sorted by frequency, in a book (.txt file)

[Solved] calculate frequency of each letter in a string

There are two problems here. First, while std::string is null-terminated (required in C++11, de facto in most implementations before that), you cannot access past size(). If you used string::at() directly, then you’d get hit: reference at(size_type pos);      Throws: out_of_range if pos >= size() which would be true for the null terminator. So the right way … Read more

[Solved] How to display frequency in wordcloud

Try something in the veins of this: library(wordcloud) words <- c(“foo”, “bar”) freqs <- c(10, 3) wordcloud(words = sprintf(“%s (%s)”, words, freqs), freq = freqs) ?sprintf and ?paste might be helpful. 0 solved How to display frequency in wordcloud