[Solved] Replace with php each font size=”” to font-size: ; how to? [closed]

You can use preg_replace(). http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php $str=”Hello <font size=”4″>today</font> is my <font size=”3″>special day</font> and am <font size=”11″>ready</font> for it…”; preg_replace(‘/<font size=”(\d+)”>(.+?)<\/font>/’, ‘<span style=”font-size:$1;”>$2</span>’, $str) Output: Hello <span style=”font-size:4;”>today</span> is my <span style=”font-size:3;”>special day</span> and am <span style=”font-size:11;”>ready</span> for it… 4 solved Replace with php each font size=”” to font-size: ; how to? [closed]

[Solved] What is ’em’ in SCSS?

Save the code below as _unitconversion.scss Import it in your scss file @import ‘_unitconversion.scss’; em(480px) will now output as 30em in your css https://codepen.io/jakob-e/pen/AHunv // ____________________________________________________________________________ // // Unit Conversion v.2.1.2 // ____________________________________________________________________________ // // Function Input units // // Absolute length // px(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, q, em, rem, number // … Read more

[Solved] rem units do not affect DIVs in Chrome – side-effect of minimum font size setting

Turns out Chrome has this setting – “Minimum font size” (chrome://settings/fonts?search=minimum). So if you manage to make the reference fontSize smaller than what is set there, whole rem logic will break. Here’s how it was set in the problematic Chrome. solved rem units do not affect DIVs in Chrome – side-effect of minimum font size … Read more

[Solved] How do I change the font size of an echo? [closed]

in your php file: <?php srand (microtime()*10000); $f_contents = file (“secretnet.txt”); $line = $f_contents[array_rand ($f_contents)]; echo “<div class=”awesomeText”>$line</div>”; ?> In your file: style.css which need to be included as a linked resource on top of your page. .awesomeText { color: #000; font-size: 150%; } Here is a quick sample: http://jsfiddle.net/qro9r54t/ solved How do I change … Read more