[Solved] How to read file on Linux server from Windows?

You will need a SFTP client to read the files. You cant directly replace the path with hostname. You should try something like paramiko for file ready. A quick sample: client= ssh_client.open_sftp() file = sftp_client.open(‘your_filename’) try: for line in file: #Do whatever you want for each line in the file finally: file.close() solved How to … Read more

[Solved] How to find a particular URL inside a domain using PHP?

There aren’t very many practical solutions for what it seems that you are talking about. Brute forcing is the simplest solution if you have the time. I will assume that you are wanting to search the page for certain content here. <?php set_exec_limit(0); ob_start(); $url_prefix = “http://www.example.com?user=”; $search = “FINDME”; $start = 10; $end = … Read more